Chapter 5: under the influence

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"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" Jeff opens the bedroom door and all three of you are met with three other people.

The image infront of you is something that is ingrained into your mind.

"What the..." Masky starts.

A blonde man is on the bed, clutching a pillow and yelling at the other two people. His eyes are a pitch black and there seems to be blood coming down his sockets.

"GET AWAY FROM ME" he yells. One of the other men is tall. His skin is a dead color and he has black unkept hair. His most prominent feature is hos nose. A cone shaped spiral nose.

"Just this one favor" he takes a step closer to the man on the bed, pulling down his pants. "I would do the same for you"


"If I close my eyes it won't be gay"


That's when the last dude noticed you guys. You barely noticed him cuz he was laying on a bean bag in the corner.

"MASKY!" He ran up to you guys. Well. Tried to run. It looked weird.

The moment he started talking you could see he was off.

"How's training Jeff?? I know itcsycked were just here chilling haha. Cmon man chill with us it's gonna be so fun"


This Toby guy was rambling a lot and you noticed his eyes would roll up to his head a lot. Something else you noticed was how much he was moving. Be it like wrap his arms like he was cold, playing with a texture on his clothes or hair or even scratching st his body,

"Ben. What did you all take" Masky said.

"Shut up Masky. We're busy" the tall dude didn't even spare a glance. "Ben here is gonna help me pop this pimple"

"FUCK NO IM NOT. I DONT WANNA TOUCH FUCKING HERPES LET ALONE GO NEAR TO YOUR DICK" the blonde man got up and tried to run out of the room, moving Jeff and Masky out of the way. But instead running straight into you.

"What the-" you and him fell onto the floor. His body lying on top of you in between your legs.

"Watch where you're going blind bitch"

You stood frozen when you heard him take a whiff of you. Creepy.

You looked at him about to say something bit you're met with dark abyss for eyes. You have no idea where he's staring at on your face but you do know he's looking right at you.

"Why do you smell like that" you look at him offended.

"If I smell like that then why are you still sniffing me"

Suddenly he gets lifted. His collar choking him.

"Ben. Answer my question" masky lifted him by the back of the collar. The blond boy isn't short but he's short enough that Masky lifts him above the ground.

"Toby took blues and jack took robitussin!"

"Haha! Straight snitch!" Jeff laughed.

"I said all of you" Masky shoves him back into the room.

"All I did was smoke" Masky looked to jack and jack rolled his eyes.

"It's true. Why're you such a party pooper Brian, we're just having fun" the clown pulls his pants back up and notices you.

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