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Early in the morning around 8 after sleeping around 4 manik moved his body to turn around and as he did his hand touched someone's hair.... his lips lifted up in a smile with his eyes closed as he ran his fingers in the soft locks before his eyes got opened with the view of his 1 day old WIFE laying beside him with her face directly in front his eyes....

He ran his eyes slowly starting from her head where the smudged vermilion was placed reaching to her eyes which were closed.... his eyes reached to her lips who were lifted a bit with a tine bit of smile and then to her naked chest from where the sheets were pulled off... there laid her nuptial chain which was named after his....

A peaceful sigh came out of his lips as he moved forward holding the duvet in his fist and coming dangerously close to his wife.... manik placed the duvet to her shoulder before holding her naked body in his arms from under the duvet and attached his lips to her forehead making her snuggle to him with a smile....

Manik sighed again in content before placing his cheek on her head and closed his eyes with a smile thinking about the beautiful moments they spent last night....


He listened his wife which made him move back and look at her face who laid on his arm and slowly opened her eyes to meet his black orbs.... her lips curved up and her fingers creased his no so grown beard....

"Good Morning!"

Manik pecked her palm from inside before saying...

"Best Morning!"

Nandini smiled and turned her face to see the time which stated 8:24... she again looked at her husband who was roaming his fingers on her bare back and she asked him....

"When you woke up?"

"A few mins before!"

Nandini hmmed and again snuggled to him who held her in his embrace before asking her...

"Don't you wanna get up?"

"I do but i also don't!"

Manik chuckled and kissed her head making nandini giggle too... she after a few seconds looked up to say...

"Today i will take out your outfit!"

"I'm all yours Mrs. Manik Malhotra!"

Manik answered in return which made nabdini crease his chin telling him lovingly...

"I am loving how you call Mrs. Manik"

Manik smiled before nandini leaned forward to join their lips to a lovingly unhealthy kiss to start their beautiful day....

Nandini stood up in all her glory stretching her body while manik placed his elbow on the pillow to balance his face on it looking at his deadly gorgeous wife standing in front her eyes....

"And i am loving this site thou!"

His lips said out making nandini look at him... he roamed his eyes on her body on which nandini threw the pillow on his face before walking in the washroom while manik laid their holding her pillow laughing out loud....

Having a soothing shower to relax her sore body nandini wore the bathrobe to enter the closet and roaming her hands on the not to particular outfit she picked out a printed saree.... she smiled looking at her beautiful saree in front her eyes and dropping the bathrobe she got ready in it.... she smiled at herself at she looked in the mirror before she turned around and took a a casual polo shirt and jeans of manik and laid it down on the couch in the closet....

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