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"Will you two speak up?"

Raj asked as he saw manik looking at nandini while holding Abhay in his secure arms...
while Ayaan and Sanch were placed to sleep by the maid... nandini gulped looking at every eye which was on her and she spoke...

"Dad actually I am waiting for someone!"

Everyone including manik frowned at nandini who bite her lips and at the same time her mobile rang making her sigh in relief...

"Hello!.... yes come inside"

And the call ended and looked at the entrance of the living room and soon enough a guy came inside and what made everyone frown was Harshad Saxena coming inside with the guy...

"What is he doing here?"

Manik asked looking at nandini who just held his hand which was on Abhay's legs and she blinked her eyes... manik rolled his eyes whil nandini looking at every other face spoke...

"He is needed over here!"

Harshad just stood there with the guy while Soha's hands started to sweat as she could see everything going out of her hands...

"Now plz speak up!"

Nandini nodded at Raman and taking a deep breath she continued...

"Firstly, I went away months ago because I was receiving some threatening letters by an anonymous person, and the threats were not for me, But for you guys!"

"Who sent those letters?"

Raj asked immediately on which nandini spoke...

"I'll tell you dad! But before that the threats were real, manik's accident was not planned but it was a part of it, that scared me and then i took this step of going away! And remember how Manik was searching hard for my family? But he never found out anything!"

They all looked at each other except Aryaman who was playing with his fingers looking down...

"How is this related?"

Cabir asked with a frown.... nandini bite her lips once again before saying...

"Everything is related cabir, me being orphan, manik's accident, those threats! Everything is related!"

She then turned to the guy who was standing beside Harshad and he just nodded at nandini passing her the file... nandini opened the file while saying...

"I went away after those threats and when I asked him to search for the cules, he told me about all of us were keeping under eyes, over every moment was being seen by one particular person from last five years!"

"Five years? Since our marriage?"

Manik mumbled making nandini look at him and she nodded her head before looking at ishita and Raman...

"And then the loop hole came of my parents, I searched for that too and I got those answers!"

She looked at Aryaman who held her hand sitting beside her.... nandini then looked at Soha who was trying hard not to lash out... but ignoring her nandini spoke...

"I was never abandoned by my parents, I was not pushed by my father as said by the Orphanage's keeper, I was kidnapped after I was born with my twin brother in X.Y.Z hospital, my parents just had a little glance of me as i laid there in the incubator!"

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