Ch 4~ Matching Set

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(Au: there are two songs for this chapter but the one on top is for the rest of the chapter and the first song is her alarm which is Wake Up by Cheese People)

7 am Friday,

"Hey, c'mon, you lazy wake up"

Just ignore it.

"Hey, c'mon, take your drums"

Alixandra rolls over to her side, facing away from the sound.

"Hey, c'mon, you lazy wake up"

She throws another pillow over her head in an attempt to muffle the alarm. With the secondary pillow on her face, she blindly moves her hand on her nightstand looking for her phone.

"Hey, c'mon, play on nerves"
She finds her phone grabs it and smashes the button to shut it off. She groans when she doesn't hit the correct spot and the phone keeps going off. She chucks her phone across the room angrily. The music continues to play across the room, now seemingly louder than before, as if it was taunting her.

"My thirteenth fucking reason right there." She groans and uncovers her head from the pillows, sitting up. "I fucking hate mornings."

After that lousy awakening, she stands up from her bed, does her normal routine, and finishes setting up everything she needs for school.

After fixing her backpack and going through a few outfits changes she settled on some green cargo pants, a black long-sleeve shirt, her doc martins, and her black headphones.

She laces up her last shoe and looks over at her nightstand, seeing the doll. She debates whether or not she should take the doll to school or not. Considering it was her first day she thought it would be weird but reminded herself of the price of the doll.

"Alix come on let's goooooo." Her dad screams from upstairs.
With a sigh, she puts the doll in the tote bag, praying it would be sold pretty quickly.


"Bye, dad love you." Alixandra kisses him on the cheek and walks out of the car, heading towards the entrance quickly. Once she's inside she puts her headphones on and walks toward her locker.
She walks down the hallways, already quite familiar with them and as she's walking she notices a few kids looking at her. She breathes out knowing that it's not enough kids to cause a scene.
She makes it to her locker and sees bright orange hair, not from a human, but a doll. She takes the headphone off one ear as her eyes follow the arm holding the doll up. She's met with the same friendly eyes of a childhood friend, or rather one she protected. 


"Alix?" The curly-haired boy asks.

"In the flesh." She chuckles, fully removing the headphones and placing them around her neck.

"When did you move back?" Jake asks curiously.

"I just got back yesterday, but we've been planning on moving back for a few months now."

"I like your doll." Jake takes a breath. "Same brand as mine, maybe you want to you know, buy this one, a matching set."

Alixandra smiles but shakes her head. "I was actually just about to convince you to buy her."

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