Ch 6~ House Visit

467 11 3

4 pm Thursday

"I still can't believe you're famous." Jake kicks a rock laying on the sidewalk. "A little pissed you didn't tell me."

"One, I'm not famous, Wheels. And two, I honestly thought you knew, and you just didn't care."

"I don't. It's just sucks that I heard it from Junior of all people." Jake looks down at the floor. They walk in silence for a few before Jake suddenly speaks again. "Hey, what were you and Junior talking about back there?"

Alixandra keeps walking, trying not to step on the cracks in the concrete while responding. "Some kid pushed my shoulder and my phone fell, Junior picked it up and asked why I was still at school."

"What else did he say?"

"He just asked me if I needed a ride home."

"What did you say?"

"What's with all the questions Wheels?" Alix smiles and looks up from the floor toward Jake.

"Nothing! You guys just seemed to be getting friendly towards the last part of the conversation." He shrugs his shoulders and looks away from Alix, towards the rock he's been kicking.

"Friendly? The part of the conversation where I said I played his sport better than him and told him he was gonna lose."

"No the part where you wished him good luck, and smiled at his ask for a bet."

"I was being cordial, what's wrong with that?"

"Nothing it's just..." Jake sighs. "I don't want Lexy to get the wrong idea about you two."

"It's a good thing there's no idea to get then." Alix reiterated.

The walk was silent for the last few minutes of their walk, both of the teens, looking back at their past actions and words, wondering if they did anything wrong to upset the other. As they make it to Jakes house, the pair going back to normal. "God it still looks the same." She smiles and rushes towards the door, waiting for Jake to come up and open it. As Jake opens the door Alix takes note of the car in the driveway. "Your dad's home?" She points at the car.

"I guess so. Usually he doesn't get here till' six." He shrugs and unlocks the door. Scarlett walks in and Jake closes the door. As she starts walking up the stairs, Jakes dad stops the two.

"Just gonna walk in without a hi? Hello?" Lucas refers to Jake, until he sees the girl at the top of the staircase. It takes him a second to realize that Jake has a guest. When he notices, he pauses, carefully examining the person in the house. "Alixandra. Hi." He smiles slightly as she waves.
"Wow, you look so much older now. Last I remember you were like this tall." He gestures with his hand how tall she used to be.

"Yeah, everyone was surprised when I actually grew."

"How are your parents?"

"Same as usual." She smiles at the man and after a few more questions he lets the pair grow, happy that Jake is making friends once again.


The street lights turn on as Alix stares out the window, watching the autumn leaves hit the pavement. Dogs bark in the background and Alix enjoys the silence, other than Jake clicking the keys on his computer.

"You get an offer yet wheels?" Alix turns her head away from the window, letting go of the curtain.

"Not yet. You?" Jake spins around in his chair, looking at the girl who is sat on his bed.

She shakes her head and flops onto the bed. opening up her phone. She swipes up on her notification bar, refreshing it and praying someone responded to her tweet about it. A ding comes from Jakes computer and he responds to the message instantly. Alix reads her most recent notification and responds as well. Withing a couple minutes, they both receives calls, each one moving to the other side of the room.

"Hello?" Both teens ask instantly.

"Hi. This is Alixandra right? I'm calling about the doll." The woman on the other line responds gently.

"Yeah that's me. Well what do you wanna know?" Alix puts a hand in her pocket and shrugs her shoulder.

"Where did you get her from?"

"Oh, uhm well I got her at a yard sale, here in my hometown."

"What condition is she in?"

"Pretty much perfect, other than some dust she had collected in an attic. She's clean now though."

"When you got her at the yard sale, was there another doll there too?"

Alix looks over at Jake slightly concerned. "Uhm, yeah, there was."

"What did the doll look like?"

"Orange hair, overalls,-"

"Was the name Chucky?"

"Yeah. It was. And mine is named-"

"Tiffany." The lady on the other end mutters out and she begins talking to someone near her.  Alix tries to get a better listen but it's interrupted. "Are both dolls with you right now?"

"No. I only purchased one, my friend has the other. But either way they're both in storage, you can say."

"Okay. This next question may sound a little strange but I need you to answer okay?"

Alix looks over at Jake who shares a similar look of fear. "Okay. Shoot."

"Has anything strange happened recently, involving Tiffany or even Chucky?"

"Other than this conversation, no."

"I need you to be careful with that doll, can you do that for me?"

"Uhm. "

"Alixandra, can you do that for me?"

"Yeah." She breathes out.

"Did you check her batteries yet?"

"I didn't know she needed any.  I assumed she didn't have a voice box."

"She should, if you take off her jacket an unzip the dress. Check them." Silence hits the other end of the line.

"Hello? Hello?" The line goes dead. Alix and Jake put their phones down and look over at each other then rush to Jakes computer. Jakes its down as Alix stands beside him, on hand on his chair and the other on his desk. She leans over and looks at what Jake's typing on his computer. Jakes computer flashes with articles about Chucky and they look at each other, shocked as Jake closes his computer.


Instead of am alarm waking Alix up from her slumber, a phone call does.

Incoming call: Wheels 🛞🛞🛞

swipe to answer >>>>

"Alix did you drop the dolls off at my house?"

Alix still groggy responds, "No. why?"

"My dad just put  them on the table."

"what? weren't they in-"


"so why are they in your house?"

"So you didn't put them here?" Jake asks quite loudly.

"No I didn't." Alix asks now grumpy.

"Shit."  Jake puts her on speaker and places the phone on his desk. All Alix hears is shuffling.

"Wheels? Jake?" Jake looks at both the dolls in shock when he sees that neither of them have batteries. Alix hears Jakes door open and she calls out for him one more time.


1100 words

Playdate (Junior Wheeler x oc)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora