4 | "Just Some Guy..."

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Soft beats of music fill your bedroom whilst you gulp down a bottle of your mothers rosé, the crisp fruitiness swishing down your throat as easy as air. A grin takes your lips as you watch Hana dance carelessly, singing all the wrong lyrics, her own bottle clutched tight in her hand as she spins her hips. Meanwhile, Emi slouches on your bed, a pink hue warm on her cheeks as she giggles at the two of you.

It was an impulsive decision, stealing your mother's drinks, a reckless one even. You're sure she'll notice the missing bottles when she gets back from dinner with your dad. But right now, you don't care as you dance with your friends, no stress weighing down your limbs like bricks. Instead, you feel like you're drifting with the music like a weightless feather.

You haven't had a sleepover with your friends in what feels like ages. You've missed these kinds of nights with them, acting like you have no worries in the world, the kind of night you wish could last forever. You can already feel yourself falling past tipsy; at this point, you should be afraid you're going to spill all your secrets.

You take Hana's hand, feeling your body let loose to the music, her smile now wide with radiance as you begin dancing with her. Your moves feel light and blurry as you let yourself go, it's as if your body is somehow taking control of itself. As if you're just watching it all happen like a dream, and it's the most addictive feeling ever.

You take another long sip, the bottle now almost empty. But as the music and adrenaline surging through you all continue, one person wriggles their way back into your mind. And as if on instinct, your heart stutters, the almost forgotten memory yielding your mind. You reminisce back to last Friday, exactly a week ago when Oikawa's hand rested gently on your hip, when his hot breath hovered over your lips. And with that, your mind unravels, thoughtlessly wishing for his hands to find their way back to your hips, wishing that right now you could be dancing against him without care.

Your eyes remain in a hopeless daze as your movement slow to a stop. "Fuck." you fall back onto your bed, laying beside Emi whilst Hana watches you startled. "I can't get this damn idiot off my mind." you sigh, the words spilling out before you can even think them.

"Get back over here— Wait. What?" Hana stops abruptly like a deer in the headlights, your words practically blinding her.

You take one last sip from your bottle before letting it drop to the floor now empty, not even processing what you've said yourself.

"You like someone, don't you?" Emi buts in, a playful smile sneaking on her lips, a smile you're not used to seeing on her. Alcohol really brings out the mischievous side of her, huh.

Hana gasps exaggeratedly, rushing to sit beside you with wide, prying eyes. "Who? Tell me, tell me, tell me!" she whines, shaking you with her empty hand. "What's he like?" she continues to smile sneakily, eyeing you with expectancy.

"Really hot...Fuck, he's driving me crazy." and it's irritating you without end. Admittedly, you're not entirely in control of the words leaving your mouth as of right now, they just keep falling out like vomit. You've been dying to talk about it, to vent about how crazy it's all making you, how you just can't forget. And well, the alcohol is definitely helping...

Hana's eyes light up, intrigue adamant in her face. And you continue spilling your guts like an idiot. Like you won't regret this at all. "Sometimes when he looks at me...ugh it's stupid." Your hands find their way to your face, desperate to resist the warmth already spreading across your cheeks.

"It's not stupid. It's...thrilling!" Hana beams, pulling your hands away from your face. "When I first started liking Ren, I remember getting so embarrassed about it, but now that we're dating, I can't get enough of that feeling." Her soft smile eases your tense body.

𝖲𝖤𝖢𝖱𝖤𝖳 𝖫𝖮𝖵𝖤 | 𝘛.𝘖𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘸𝘢 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora