7 | Guilty Conscience

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"But what? What are you saying, Oikawa?" You can't help anticipating what he could possibly have to say; what could possibly dismiss the obvious reason he just gave. The unmistakable truth that means no more buts. Nothing. You can't be anything.

"But...can you keep a secret?"

You gaze up at him, stupified. He can't be serious. "You can't be serious..." you voice your thought aloud.

He takes a step closer, still holding his hand against your cheek. "Dead serious." He isn't smiling, not even a twitch to the corner of his lips. And the way his eyes bore into yours, deep and vulnerable to your gaze, tells you all you need to know. He is indeed, 'dead serious'.

His words overwhelm your mind as you let them sink in. Part of you tells you this isn't something you should even consider; it's obviously a bad idea. But the other part of you is wrapped in a whirl of curiosity, that weak and wrong part of you that doesn't want to care for the consequences. "Elaborate," you demand, desperate to ease the many questions and doubts running through your mind.

He trails his hand down your arm now till he takes your hand in his, staring at the way your fingers fit in his perfectly like he's distracting himself from some kind of nervousness. Oikawa? Nervous? Never mind...that's unlikely. "I like you, you like me. But we can't, so we like each other in secret. Simple." He says as though it's really that simple. You wish it was.

You sigh, bringing your hand away to force him to look up at you. "First of all, it's not that simple." You can't help the disappointment in your tone at hearing your own words. "And Second of all, what do you mean by like each other in secret? What would that consist of?"

"A date."

You raise an eyebrow at him, a little caught off guard. "A date?"

"A date." He repeats it like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"A date..." you let the words roll off your tongue, a consideration lying behind them.

"So is that a yes?"

"I...I don't know. Let me think."

"What's there to think about, it's just one date, Iwa doesn't have to know."

"That's the problem, Oikawa. We're doing this behind his back. It doesn't sit right with me, I'll just feel even more guilty every time I look at him."

"Okay, if it's too much, we call it off and try our best to forget about it all. Deal?"

You think for a moment, considering what he's offering. "Okay. Deal."

He grins.

"What are you smiling for?"

"Oh, I don't know, this really amazing girl just agreed to go on a date with me."

"Oh shut up." you begin waking ahead, attempting to hide the smile threatening to seize your lips.

He catches up though, and very easily with his longer stride. Neither of you says anything as you walk alongside each other though, just letting everything settle as you walk in each other's company along the narrow pavement and under the blossoming trees. Spring is close...

You feel the back of his hand brush against your own every now and then, and you yearn to snatch it up into your grasp, to feel his fingers intertwine with yours once more. But neither of you make the move. You just walk alongside one another, content smiles and vague minds as you think about one thing: a date.

You like that idea...you like it a lot.

A few houses away from your own, you bring yourself to a sudden halt. Oikawa looks down at you curiously.

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