Chapter Two

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I kept waiting for the pain of the impact to hit, but it never came. Instead, I felt my body being pulled to the side, before falling with a thud. 

            "Hey, watch where you're driving!" the sound of a man yelling snapped my eyes open. I blinked, the sun shining brightly around me, leaving a yellow after image in my vision. Even though I technically hadn't been hit, every part of my body still ached.

"What kind of stupid world doesn't invent brakes? I can't believe I'm stuck here," the same voice murmured.

            As I adjusted to the light, I turned my head to face the voice coming from behind. Hazel eyes, freckles, fluffy blond hair, and lips twisted into a worried frown.

"Oh, hey, are you okay? That was quite a fall you had there," he spoke in a soft, worried tone that contrasted his yells from earlier.

"Ah, yes, thank you for helping me," I started, but I quickly shut my mouth in embarrassment when I realized exactly what position we were in. When he pulled me out of the road, we hadn't just fallen on the ground next to each other. I had fallen on top of him and was now sitting in his lap as one of his arms wrapped around me, the other propping him up.

"OH, I'm so sorry!" I gasped, pushing my hands against his chest as I tried to get off him. Noticing my attempt to get up, he released his hold on me.

"It's okay. It's my fault for grabbing you like that, the was probably a more graceful way I could've done that. If you're okay, then I'm fine," his features softened as he drew his face into a smile. Maybe it was just the adrenaline flowing through my veins, but when his eyes met mine and he gave me that charming smile my heart immediately skipped a beat.

I could feel myself blushing and quickly jumped up and away so that he wouldn't see. I breathed in and turned back around the help him up. It was the least I could do.

"It's okay, I got it, but thank you," he smiled. He lifted himself off the ground, wincing as he put weight on his one arm. I looked at him, and the guilt of knowing he got hurt helping me sat heavy in my stomach.

It was as I looked at him that I realized what had created the eerie feeling sitting in the back of my mind since the second I opened my eyes. His clothes. They weren't your usual work clothes, no jeans with a nice button-up shirt. He looked like he was heading to a renaissance fair. A lace-up white shirt was covered by a patterned, tan jacket, black pants, and boots. I gawked at his outfit when my eyes noticed that my clothes themselves weren't what they had been. My shirt and skirt had been replaced by a flowing, pale blue silk dress that swayed around me. Peeking from underneath the hem, white flats covered my feet instead of the heels I put on in the morning.

I lifted my head and quickly gazed around me. Everything had changed. The crowded city streets had turned into cobblestone roads, the skyscrapers becoming two-story, wood, and stone houses and shops, and carriages took the spots of cars as they drove through the uneven streets. Even the truck that I had barely escaped from had become an extravagant carriage, decorated with bright white paint and gold embellishments.

"Who the fuck thought that decorating a carriage like that would be a smart idea? It looks ridiculous," the guy behind me said. I whipped my head around and stared at him with eyes full or confusion and fear.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay?" he asked me, "you look like you just saw a ghost."

"I don't know how I got here," I stuttered, completely dumbfounded by my surroundings. The door of the carriage suddenly swung open, and a man wearing clothes even more extravagant than the carriage stepped out. His platinum hair gleamed white as light passed through it, and it was impossible to not notice the handle of a sword in its sheath that the sun glinted off. The ruby-red cape he wore flowed behind him as he walked forward, making it seem like he was behind followed by a rushing waterfall of blood.

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