Chapter Nine

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It wasn't the way the sun flickered through his golden-brown waves or just how much he towered over me, but rather the mild indifference that splashed over the hazel eyes watching me, that stopped me dead in my tracks. I paused to take in his whole face. His brows were raised with intrigue, and an amused smile cracked at his lips, yet his eyes were the same as mine had often been since arriving here, as if he wasn't completely checked into the world around him, not fully caring what happened.

"Well, for starters, I'm also sorry that you got locked up for what you said about the crown prince," I said, trying to brush off the eerie similarity between us. If all went well, I'd have plenty of time to unpack that later.

"It's not your fault; you're not the one that made him into a horrible human being," he sneered, the memory of Sawyer enough to annoy him. "Sorry, I'm sure this probably isn't something I should mention around you, especially considering Ryia is-."

"I agree. I don't like him," I cut him off, "I hate him, actually, to the point where I want to stop Ryia from falling for him while I still can."

"Really?" he asked, the glaze slowly beginning to melt away, letting his eyes match the rest of his curious expression, "I thought you were supposed to be dead set on helping Ryia and Sawyer get together?"

"Not at all," I drew out the last word for emphasis, "them getting together is the last thing I want. As you said, he isn't exactly the nicest person out there. I don't want to see Ryia end up unhappy, or worse, because of him. I might be part of the Western Province on paper, but my loyalties lie with Ryia and her best interest alone, nothing or no one else."

I took in a deep breath. "And, that's the part where you come in," I nodded towards him, "as much as I want to keep Ryia away from Sawyer, I'd also like to set her up with Lawrence. I think they could be happy together." My face darkened as the scene from the original book flashed through my mind. When I'd read it, I could practically hear her sobs breaking from her throat as he died for her.

"And that he'd treat her well." He wouldn't just treat her well. He'd treat her perfectly. She was his everything, and he'd do whatever it took to be hers.

"I figured you'd be perfect fit to help me, with how well you know Lawrence and how against Sawyer you are," I added, breaking from the train of thought.

"So, you're saying you need my help playing wingman?" he asked, an eyebrow arching playfully, "sounds easy enough."

"Well, there's a bit more to it," I lifted my hand, gesturing that I wasn't done. "There's the more obvious issue that not only will Sawyer not easily give up on Ryia, and the western province's support that comes along with her, but I also suspect that Lawrence currently has a royal target on his back."

Oliver stepped back and dropped his arms, letting my words seep in. I searched his expression, looking for caution and suspicion, but I only found intrigue.

"What makes you think that?" His eyes narrowed as he asked with a tone that made it sound like he knew the answer already, and was instead looking to confirm something else.

"It's been something I've been putting together piece by piece for a bit now," I lied, "it clicked into place when I finally learned who Lawrence's mother was, a few days ago. With the Central Province's grasp on the throne already shaky, it wouldn't be... unreasonable for Sawyer to be wary of anyone who could potentially take his place."

Oliver chewed on his lip, mildly disappointed with my response. "Honestly, I've had my own suspicions that Lawrence might be in danger. I just haven't been able to figure out how Sawyer could pull it off without creating an even bigger issue for himself, and therefore don't know how to stop it," he looked me over, "I'm assuming you might have some ideas?"

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