Nothing Left to Cling To

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The sun rose quickly on a new day, although, after last night's events it didn't feel like a good one. We all had to say our goodbyes to Bob. After what we believed to be around 5 am when the birds started to chirp before sunrise, he faded quickly. By the time the sun started peeking over the trees we were digging his grave. You could see it in everyone's face that they were beginning to shut down. From losing hope in a cure, to losing Beth, and now Bob, it felt like we had little left to cling to.

We weren't sure where we were headed next, we needed to find something safer for us than just this small church. We had one thing decided on for sure though, we wouldn't be going anywhere until we had Lincoln and Carol back with us.

I walked over to Bob's grave, picking up a shovel to help Glenn dig. For the time being, he was giving Maggie her much-needed space to grieve. I hopped down into the hole with him, slamming the shovel into the dirt, stomping my foot on the back of it and heaving out a heavy pile onto the grass.

"I never asked what it was like for you getting to Terminus," he said, grunting as he threw another pile up and over.

I thought about it for a second, thinking about all the obstacles I had to go through just to get there. Daryl and I ran for days, burning down the shack, being taken by another group, cutting off Juliet's arm, being held at gunpoint by Joe's group. It was a lot to go through.

"It changed me," I answered truthfully, "it made me stronger though." I stopped digging for a moment, catching my breath. "What about you?"

He stopped as well, propping his arm up on the handle of his shovel as he pushed his hair out of his face. He looked at me, "It made me realize that I can't survive without you guys-- I mean I can, but the only reason I want to survive is with all of us together." He explained. "And now I don't even know if that's enough for some people."

That comment made me drop my head, turning my attention back to shovelling dirt. He was referring to Maggie and Sasha. I knew he was more concerned for Maggie though. The state she was in right now was concerning to all of us. She went from thinking Beth was still out there, lost, to finding out she didn't make it, all in one day. I could sympathize with her though, I went through that exact same thing all those months back on their farm. It just takes time. The pain will always be there, but time passing makes it a little more bearable.

Both of our heads shot up at the sound of rustling coming from the bushes. We immediately pulled ourselves out of the hole as we watched Michonne run down from the church steps, hearing it too. I placed my hand on the holster attached to my jeans, weary of what lay beyond the trees as we approached. Michonne held out her hand, stopping people from coming any closer as she retrieved her sword from its sheath.

We waited for a moment, my eyes narrowed as I tried to identify the walker that was about to emerge from the thick bush. Michonne only stood a few feet away. Maggie appeared beside Glenn, finally emerging from the church.

A breathy sigh of relief exhaled from my lungs and a smile slipped onto my face. Carol, followed by Lincoln ducked out from behind the bush. "Where the hell have you been?" I asked my question more so directed at Lincoln. Part of me wanted to be insanely mad at him, but he looked okay and he was back and had Carol with him.

Lincoln then peered over his shoulder, looking at the bush behind him, "Come on out," he called out. My brows furrowed as we could hear someone walk forward. A tall, lanky boy, limped out into the light. He stood there awkwardly behind Lincoln like a lost puppy.

"Who the hell is this?" Rick boomed, stepping forward, his eyes narrowed at Lincoln.

"His name is Noah," Carol spoke softly, "he's not a threat."

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