Twenty-One || Tomato

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-Art by soul_akuma on Instagram-

The feminine urge to go back in time again from Takemichi's POV just to show what the Reader and Chifuyu were like in highschool is too strong. I'm just gonna write a very short interraction of that scene before officially ending the fanfiction with again another little note from me at the end 💪💯

[Reference to chapter 207]


Baffled, is what he was. When Takemichi awoke one morning to the world of 2008 he was completely and utterly baffled.

Thoughts rushed through his confused mind regarding the situation with Mikey and the current state of the delinquent era as he ran for his old high school, searching for any explanation as to what was going on. Upon arrival, he rejoiced with some old friends who, although looked a lot different from twelve years ago, did act the complete same. The blonde stared the sixteen year old Hakkai up and down by the shoe lockers before mumbling the desperate question on his mind, "Where's (Y/N) and Chifuyu?"

As soon as he learnt that his old friends were most likely in the extra classroom where they usually were every morning, Takemichi was quick to throw himself down the hallway to find them. He slid the classroom door open faster than wind to the relieved sight of a certain teenager leaning back on a chair, manga in hand. The simple view of the boy with the undercut was enough to make him tear up. "Chifuyu..." Takemichi breathed out trying to co contain the tears that were threatening to spill.

Scenes of the future Mikey begging Takemichi to save him hit him like the same truck that had hit Kisaki as the boy realised he had so much to tell. But before that, he was just so glad to see his partner in the flesh. As Chifuyu's green eyes caught him standing at the door, he suddenly recalled the words his friend had said to him in that same future just days before the timeleaping, about always supporting him. Takemichi, in a shaky voice, said, "I shook hands with Mikey from the future..." which earned a gasp from Chifuyu when he realised what those words meant. "And here I am!"

Chifuyu, shocked and confused, put the shoujo manga down before rising from his seat to approach the other, asking him why that happened.

Takemichi simply stared at his hand, the same hand that held Mikey, and pursed his lips. "I said I will save him..."

Just then, footsteps broke the tension between the two boys in the room. A shorter student entered proudly, her hair swaying with each step. "Man, it's cold outside." She said, walking past the two and dumping her bag at the back of the classroom. The other two, however, simply stared at her in silence. She blinked a couple of times, not realising she had interrupted their moment. "Is.. something wrong?"

"Takemitchy's here." Chifuyu pointed to the latter.

The girl raised a brow as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Takemichi's always here." Which was true, seeing as that extra classroom was where the three met every morning before their classes began.

"The Takemitchy from the future." He said again in the same tone.

(Y/N)'s jaw dropped with suprise before she pushed Chifuyu out of the way in annoyance. "You coulda told me that the first time, moron! Takemichi, how come your back all of a sudden, what's going on?"

The taller boy just stared at his friend while trying to conjure up where exactly to begin telling the two. Chifuyu got up from the ground, rolling his sore shoulders, and bonked (Y/N) on the head lightly. "You didn't need to shove me so hard," He mumbled.

Her cheeks went as red as a tomato when he did that, which was odd considering that shy demeanor contrasted her previous actions. "Sorry, I was just excited to see Takemichi."

Similarly, Chifuyu's face reddened at the tone in her voice going soft. "You should be more excited to see me too." He smiled playfully with his hand still on the top of her head.

That struck a chord in (Y/N) as she turned to face him, "You're not the one who just came from the future, did you?" She snarled. Chifuyu scoffed and repeated her words while mimicking her in a high-pitched voice, which ticked her off enough to punch his arm in a joking manner. They were both blushing like two idiots.

Takemichi just stood there and watched the scene unfold. It reminded him of where he just was, ten years ahead in the pet shop when those two were bickering just like that. Then he was hit with dèjá vu as it then took him back to the past when (Y/N) first started hanging around them after she found out about his time travelling powers and she and Chifuyu would fight a lot about the smallest things. He remembered the future where he was a top admin and how (Y/N) and Chifuyu were both married then, and the future he came back from where they were also married; it occurred to him standing there that they really were together in every timeline.

A small smile presented itself on his shakey lips. His two best friends weren't lying when they said they were both crushing on each other in highschool too and he could see that from the way they were equally flabbergasted even as they toyed with the other. He hadn't smiled like that in so long. It was a nice thing to see after he was just traumatised from what occurred with Mikey and in those moments he was more than greatful to know that both Chifuyu and (Y/N) were going to stick with him in the long run.

(Y/N) was the first to notice his silly grin. "Huh? What's with that expression?" She asked.

Takemichi's arm flew to shield his teary eyes but he still coudln't stop smiling. "Nothing- I'm just really happy you two are here."

"That we're here...? Please tell me that means this idiot ends up getting euthanised in the future you just went to." Chifuyu responded plainly while gesturing to the girl.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she stared up at him with an unamused glare. "Boy, what the hell are you talking about? If anything, you'd be the one that ruined the future which is why Takemichi came back." And then they were back to snapping insults left and right. But Takemichi wasn't worried, he knew the story. He knew they would only grow more attatched to one another as the years went on and their feelings would never die.

It was nice to think about. A nice break from his current worries. But he knew that break wouldn't last. He needed their help now more than ever. And thus began the new arc, one which would involve a whole lot more pain, joy, frustrations, excitement. More bitter and more sweet.

"Guys, I want to tell you about the future."


Shauauabx I really sincerely hope you guys liked this story. There was a huge lack of comments when I started writing this so I was worried people just dropped this story because they didnt like it, thank you if you stayed until the end 🙏

UPDATE: now that the main story has ended (the release of chapter 278) I've written a proper ending for Bittersweet which is the next chapter!

Bittersweet ||Chifuyu x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now