Drag Night

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I sigh, looking down at my outfit. I'm wearing a white, tight t-shirt and a black leather jacket.

I had called Reid to ask him what to wear for a 50's themed bar. He told me to watch Grease. I put on Grease for a total of ten minutes before turning it off. I hate musicals. So, I Google searched "50's attire for men"- which is what I should've done from the start- and decided on the outfit I'm wearing now.

Now, at 10:56 PM, I'm standing outside of The Coven and contemplating going in. I turn around. This is so dumb. A drag show? How lame.

I stop when I think about the 'toxic masculinity' comment. I don't have toxic masculinity... I just have opinions. That doesn't make me toxic and judgmental.

I groan and turn back around.

The club is packed when I enter, people making a circle to make room for the drag show. I push my way through, not paying kind to the people I'm nudging out of my way, until I'm at the front.

There's a mix of people wearing 50's clothes and some in regular attire.

A host comes out, in a funky wig and crazy makeup with his equally crazy outfit. He says a few words, getting to crowd to laugh and shout before he announces the first drag queen.

Monty is the third person to perform. Honestly, the shows are pretty fun. It's even more fun when the host announces, "Girls, gays, and they's, put your hands and money together for, Cruella DeWhore"

And I see Monty strut out. Of course Monty put "whore" in his drag name. I shake my head and chuckle.

Monty's practically wearing nothing. A black leather lingerie piece that does little to cover them, including their huge, fake tits. They have a Pink Ladies jacket on (they picked Grease for the 50's theme), unzipped to show off Monty's 'boobs'. Black fishnet tights and tall, leather black high heel boots. One more emphasis on high heels.

And their makeup is the most dramatic makeup I've ever seen. It's honestly hideous, but oddly... arousing? I don't know, but Monty struts over to me, walking in their heels like they own them, stops real close to me. Lip syncing the words, "keep your filthy paws off my silky draws," turns around, Monty's ass basically on my crotch, and they bend all the way over, shaking their ass before flirtatiously snapping back up. I take the twenty out of my pocket when Monty turns back around to me, and I hold it out to them.

Monty shakes their head, while still lip syncing and shimmy's their tits in front of me. I roll my eyes but am smiling as I stuff the twenty in between their lingerie and fake boobs.

They blow me a kiss and moves on, collecting one dollar bills from people while they dance.

By the end of the show, I'm upstairs in the changing room with Monty. He was- they were- already changed into their grey sweatpants and a white crop-top when I came up. (Monty had texted me, "go up the stairs. I'm in the first door on the right. Say you're with me if you're stopped").

I'm currently sitting in a swivel chair beside him, watching as he pulls fake eyebrows off his face. (This 'they/them' is going to take some time for me). "You do this every weekend?"

"Yeah, but I've only been doing drag for a little over a year. When I turned eighteen," they explain, "but I've been going to this bar since I was fifteen. My drag mom, SinSister Coven- or Marcus- is the owner of the bar and my sister's husband's brother."

"Hm," is all I say as I observe Monty now wiping, what looks like a baby wipe over their face. "Wow that shit really takes off all your makeup."

Monty snorts, "I'd hope so. It's makeup remover, Preston," they have a 'duh' tone and rolls their eyes.

"Let me try," I demand and spin Monty's chair so they're facing me. Monty smiles and hands me the wipe. I slide their chair closer to me, their legs in between mine. I place my hand on Monty's chin and erase the dramatic makeup from their dark skin with the moist towelette with my other hand.

"You're different than I thought you'd be," Monty tells me in a hushed voice after a moment of silence.

"Different how?" I clear off the pink eye makeup. This shit really does work.

"I don't know... you're just..." Monty thinks on what they're trying to say, "curious and mouthy and... kind of an asshole-"


"No," they laugh, "but not in a bad way? You're just... unapologetically you. I don't know... I didn't think I'd like that, but I do."

I stop my movements on their face and pull back my hand. They open their eyes. We're so close. "I like that you're a drag queen," I whisper.

Monty grins then looks down at my mouth. My chest feels weird. The feeling is familiar, but not common. I've only ever had this tightening, thumping feeling for one other person.

I yank Monty's fake eyelash off.

His hand flings to his false-lashless eye, "ow! You can't just rip them off, Preston," but he laughs and so do I.

"You'll be fine, I want to try them on," I lean into the mirror and bring the long lashes up to my eye. Monty grabs the eyelash from my hand before I get a chance to press it on.

"Dumbass. That's been on my eyelids, that's like, cross contamination or something."

They put the eyelashes in a clear, rectangular case after slowly pulling their other eyelash off. Monty finishes taking off their makeup and then begins putting things- makeup brushes, pallets, mascara, etcetera- into his bag.

I'm about to ask Monty how much does he spend on all this shit when there's a knock at the door. We both turn to see, Marcus walk in. I think that's Marcus; I'm pretty sure he was the host, but haven't seen him without makeup yet.

"Monty, you ready to go?"

"I'm driving them home," I state without thinking. We haven't even discussed if we were hanging out after this.

Monty has their eyebrows raised at me, then turns to their drag mom, "I'm good, I'm gonna get a ride from him."

Marcus looks me up and down then looks at Monty, "'ight cool,"

"I really liked the show," I tell him before he leaves, suddenly feeling like I have to make a good impression.

"Thanks. Our next one's in a week," he winks at me.

"I'll be there," I say with a smile.

He nods before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

My chair is pulled to Monty, "you liked the show, huh?"

I roll my eyes, "I gave you that twenty, didn't I?"

"Mmm. So, where you taking me?"

I shrug. "You hungry?"

"I'm always hungry."

I grin, "good."


I hope switching from they/them pronouns to he/him isn't too confusing. I just want to show how Preston is changing and trying for Monty.

Let me know your thoughts!

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-Xoxo, Bert

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