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Watching him now I recall how he had always been biting on an apple, back when we were in school. That is, whenever he wasn't making sly remarks at my expense. Even now, as he bites into that apple, his eyes are taunting me—a painful reminder that I haven't managed to escape the bully who now sits in the chair opposite me with his feet on my desk.

He is wearing a dark grey suit and black shoes. The black shoes that are currently resting on top of my HR paperwork are either new or very well cared for. They sparkle in the florescent light of my office.

The thought makes me smile. Not my thought about the cleanliness of Andrew's shoes, but the thought that this is my office. Compared to the office I used to have at my last job, it's amazing.

My old office had been a shared office. It had been cramped and cluttered. But this office is large and airy.

That office was the reason I left my last job.

After everything that had happened, it was just too small and confined. With two brothers, I know how to share, but I just couldn't share that small room with him after I found him in bed with Cathy.

It's ironic that it looks like I'm going to have to share this work space with another guy that I don't like. If Stephen hadn't cheated on me, then I wouldn't be here with Andrew right now.

It's all Stephen's fault, I think to myself childishly.

'Alright Princess.' Andrew smirks at me, and suddenly the perfect job has lost all of its appeal. This job promised to be everything I've ever wanted. It is everything I've been working towards since I finished high school eight years ago. Trust Andrew bloody Contius to ruin everything.

'What are you doing here?' I blurt out. I can feel my face reddening in agitation.

'I'm here to show you around.' Andrew takes his feet off my desk and stands to his feet. 'Time to start your tour.' He winks at me.

I look him up and down and I'm pretty sure I'm giving him a look of absolute loathing mixed with interest. He looks good but I really don't want him to know I think that. The office that moments ago, I had been delighted with, now feels stiflingly small. It's too hot.

He removes his jacket and places it across the back of my desk chair. His shirt sleeves are rolled up and his biceps are significantly more defined than the last time I saw him. I shake my head, trying to clear it.

Calm down. It's just Andrew Contius.

I shouldn't be checking him out. His eyes are shining with humour. I'm certain he's mocking me, and I feel like that awkward teenage girl all over again. My hands are sweating and I'm not sure if it's from agitation or desire. I step back towards the door to my office. He can't be here. This is the last thing I need.

'You work here?' I ask, gaping at him. My eyes are wide and I'm sure I'm staring at him, so I drop my gaze to the floor.


'Oh, fuck.' I shake my head. 'You have to be joking.'

'Office right next door.' He smirks, clearly very pleased with himself.

Well, at least that's better than having to share an office with Stephen. If he's next door, I won't have to spend hours every day with him. I can cope if it's just the occasional break room run in.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I hear a thought. You don't really think Andrew will leave you alone, do you?

'Great,' I mutter.

I won't let this ruin my day. This job is the best thing to have happened to me in years. It's exactly what I need. I won't let Andrew ruin this for me. Just thinking about working with him is giving me a headache. I consider walking out of the office, but why the hell would I do that? It's my office.

Repeating History - A Second Chance Office RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now