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Millie is gone when I wake up the next morning, much to my relief. She left a note on the counter in the kitchen saying thank you for a lovely evening. She didn't leave a number or any means of contacting her, so it looks like we both just wanted the one night.

It's a relief because as much as people used to think I was a player in high school, it's never really been true and I don't want to have to be the guy that tells another girl he's not interested in the long haul. Truth is, there's only one girl that I'd go the distance for and there is no chance in hell that she'll ever let me.

I try calling my sister but she doesn't answer, so instead I send a quick email to my boss asking him for a favour. I hate asking him for favours even if we have developed a bit of a friendship.

From: Andrew (

To: Landon (

RE: Favour To Ask

Time: 09:01

Good morning,

Hope you are coping without Aurora this week. When does she get back?

I'm sorry to ask, but I was wondering if we could arrange an internship for my little sister. She's twenty-one. Very clever. Just a bit unfocused atm.

I know I'm a pain in the arse for asking.


Andrew Contius

Account Director

TRW Advertising

I'm barely left waiting a minute before my phone alerts me to Landon's reply. He really must be bored without Aurora around.

From: Landon (

To: Andrew (

RE: re: Favour To Ask

Time: 9:02

Good morning to you too.

Worst week of my bloody life. I've never been so bored. I don't know what I did before I knew her. She's back on Christmas Eve. Literally counting down the hours.

As for your sister... we could get her shadowing one of the directors, if you like. Maybe Miss Delos?

Speaking of Miss Delos, how is she settling in?


Landon Peters

Chief Executive Officer

TRW Advertising

I reply quicker than lightning.

From: Andrew (

To: Landon (

RE: Miss Delos

Time: 9:04

She's settling in great. Like a fish to water.

Do you think Clara will agree to having Maya shadow her?

Andrew Contius

Account Director

TRW Advertising

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