Chapter 24

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Piper's P.o.V.

"Oh my gods.."

This was not what I was expecting. The building the arrow girl had lead us to looked like some kind of prison establishment. There were enormous barbed wire fences and trenches filled with spikes. I flinched when a blood curdling shriek echoed from the complex.

Percy and I crouched behind a large bush, peering out at the giant fortress.

"I think we should try full frontal assault." Percy whispered, "You could go all seductive goddess, and I could go in as the epic fighter that I am."

"I think that's a stupid plan." I hissed back. "We'll get killed. We don't know how many demigods they have in there ready to defend."

"We can't get killed, we're immortal." He said, giving me a duh look.

"You know, it'd be nice if we had some back up. Leo maybe, or Jason and Annabeth..."

"What?! No way! We're gods now, we don't need the blondes!"

"Oi! I'm not a blond!" Percy and I both jumped in surprise as Leo poked his head out of the bush next to ours. "So what's the plan?"

"Full frontal assault." Said Percy at the same time as I said, "Stealth attack."

Leo glared at me. "Piper, Full frontal assault, duh! But lose the aprons first, you'll come off as tacky if you wear those into battle."

"Looks like you're outvoted" Percy smirked, as he untied his flowery apron.

"By stupidity." I muttered as I untied my own. "Leo, stay here and guard the border."

I untied my hair from it's ponytail and shook it out so that it framed my face. Then, clicking my fingers, I used my godly powers to 'go all seductive goddess'.

Percy's jaw dropped.

"Come on boy. You wanted full frontal assault, then lets go." I said, turning so that he couldn't see the blush that colored my cheeks.

Percy shook his head to get rid of his stupor and clicked his fingers, transforming his clothes into majestic armor. Then he turned to me, wearing his classic smirk. "Kiss for luck?"

"You wish." I replied, and leaped out of our bush into full view of the guards at the front gate.

Show time.

We're Gods Now; We Don't Need the Blondes ---- (Percy Jackson fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now