Chapter 11

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Percy's P.o.V.


I looked up from my breakfast, and had to look down again before I found who was talking.

A very very veerrryyy small girl, with big brown eyes was staring up at me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

" brother and friend and I want to go on a quest. We need to find Dan's girlfriend. Dan's my older brother." She added as an after thought.

"Don't take this The wrong way...?"


"Anne, but your a little small to be braving the outside world."

"I am not!" She shrieked.

"She may be, but we're not." Said a voice, and I had to travel up quite a ways from Anne, to find the two boys towering over her. "And she's really quite powerful, despite the size."

"You must be Dan."

The first boy was enormous, the exact opposite of little Anne. They had the same big brown eyes.

"I am, and this is Billy."

Billy gave me a half smile.

"Tell me, have the three of you ever read Where the Red Fern Grows?" I asked.


"Never mind. Yes you can have the quest. Go see Rachel to get your prophecy."

Little Anne let out a cheer and raced off, with Billy and Old Dan on her tail.

I turned back to my blue pancakes.

















Jenna Yarjis, Demeter Cabin's enthusiastic leader let out a loud cheer.

"I did it!!!!! I actually did it!!!"

"Good Job."

The morning swords class was almost over, with he sun high in the sky. Jenna, who usually used a spear, had been learning to use the silver sword she had won off a Draconae.

I had seen the three campers off on their quest, and laughed about the irony of their names with Piper afterwards.

Piper herself, has been acting really strange all morning. Ever since the run in with the blond couple yesterday, she'd been avoiding a lot of contact with people.

"Hey Percy, will you-!"

A large explosion cut her off, from across camp, and this time, I was pretty sure it wasn't Leo.

We're Gods Now; We Don't Need the Blondes ---- (Percy Jackson fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now