Chapter 25

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The elevators ding wakes me up. I look down trying to remember why I wasn't in my bed. I must've fallen asleep watching tv.

My popcorns now all over the floor. Internally I groan and turn the television off. It's now dark. Must be late. I stretch, my back let's out a loud crack. Maybe I should've tried harder to not fall asleep on the couch.

A female sounding giggle pulls me back to reality. I look up there's a woman in a tight, cheap and very short pink dress.

She's stumbling in her heels and is gripping Graysons arm for support. He lets her, whispering something in her ear causing her to erupt into pig calling giggles.

I actually have to cover my ears, this bitch is gonna make me need hearing aids in my twenties.

I don't even know what to say. This is an all time low. Bringing another woman into our home where his fiancés bedroom is opposite his own.

He must've sensed my presence because his eyes flick to the couch. He couldn't even hold my gaze.

A single tear began to flow down my cheek, I quickly wiped it away. No, I'm not going to cry over this man or any man.

I watch them ascend the staircase and disappear down the hallway. I keep staring in their direction until I hear the lock of his bedroom door.

I can't very well go up there. I don't want to listen to their moans all night. I physically shudder at the thought of them. Gross.

I hope she gives him some serious STD's. The prick deserves it. Maybe the doctors will have to cut off his dick. I wonder if they'd allow me to do the honours? I'd love to watch him scream in pain.

Am I a psychopath? Maybe. But I do think these thoughts are well justified. I mean come on! He has another woman he's currently fucking while I'm sitting on the couch.

Ooo maybe he'll get her pregnant and she'll birth his demonic spawn. I wonder if they'd let me be their hell child's god mother?

Of course the thing will be a brat but maybe I will be able to teach them how to use a knife? Or gun? Or bleach? To murder their parents in their sleep. Then the spawn will go to juvie and I'll get off Scott free.

I sigh and grab my phone. I can't stay here tonight. No way am I going to wake up to them eating breakfast and fucking on the kitchen counter.


But who did I call? I don't know anyone here other than Marie and we're just becoming friends.

Well I don't really have much of a choice. I press the call button and place my phone to my ear.

She picks up on the fourth or fifth ring.

"Hey." She sounds breathless.

"Hi, I'm sorry to be calling so late."

"Oh nah, that's ok, I was up."

"Great, well me and Grayson have just had a massive fight and I really need to get out of the house. Could I possible stay with you?"

"Shit!" She curses.

"After we said goodbye my boyfriend called and I took a last minute flight to Chicago, he's here on business so I thought I'd surprise him. I'm so sorry."

"Oh no, I'm sorry. Enjoy your time together."

"Do you have anywhere else you can go?"

"Yep, I'll book a hotel."

"Again I'm so sorry!"

I laughed so she'd stop feeling bad "don't worry! I'm fine I've got it sorted."

We quickly said our goodbyes and hung up. I'm pretty sure I'd caught her at a rather awkward moment but it was sweet of her to pick up and make sure I was ok anyhow.

As quietly as I could I tiptoed up the stairs and walked down the hallway to my room. I paused for a second and sure enough I could hear her moaning.


Holding back the vomit that's threatening to come up I open my door and close it behind me.

I go straight to my wardrobe and grab the necessities. Toiletries, clothes, underwear, pjs, shoes and anything else I could fit. I had to sit on top of the stupid suitcase just so I could close it.

I've never been one to under pack. After changing into some comfy clothes I roll the suitcase out of my room and take it down the hallway.

Carrying the darn thing down the stairs was more of a challenge than I'd anticipated but I got there in the end and immediately made a beeline for the elevator.

My first thought was to speed dial Stanley but he'd tell Grayson where I was straight away. So when I got to the lobby I walked out onto the street and hailed myself a cab. "The Palace please."

Luckily I have my allowance and payments from Grayson in my bank account so I can easily afford those high end hotels where I don't have to be scared of someone breaking into my room and killing me. I guess that'd be a cool story to have people tell when they ask how I died. Maybe it's worth it? Nah. I'm getting too used to this bouchée lifestyle.

It didn't take too long for us to get there. The cab driver pulls up directly out front and gets out of the car to hand me my suitcase.

I thank him, pay my fee plus a $100 tip. The guy deserves it, he's driving around at two in the dam morning!

I walk briskly into the building, it's freezing and I wish I'd worn more before I ran out.

Entering the foyer I notice that this is luxury if I'd ever seen it. Wow! I have to take a step back and hold in my awe as I need to get a room or else I'll either be sleeping on the street or going to back home... I'd still pick the street.

At the front desk there's a man in a black suit staring at me in disgust. What? Is bedhead, sweatpants and a now stained tank top not sexy? Does it not scream wealth?

"I'd like a room please." I state, resting my elbow on the desk.

"Are you sure you can afford it?" He sounds French. I always knew the French were snooty people. I mean it's a stereotype but he's sure as hell living up to it.

"Yes I can afford it! Just give a goddamned room."

"Sorry we're all booked out." He shrugs giving me the fakest upset look I've ever seen. He didn't even look on his computer to check if there were any rooms available!

I roll my eyes. "Look I have the money, my fiancé is a billionaire. You might know him, Grayson Black?"

Yeah I took full satisfaction in watching the pricks eyes widen. "So I will ask again do you have a room."

This time he does check the computer. "Our penthouse suite is the only one available currently, everything else is booked."

"I'll take it." I hand over my card and he swiped it.

"Welcome to the Palace, we hope you enjoy your stay" he speaks handing me the key to the penthouse and my card.

I ignore him and go to the elevators. Why are people so rude? Have they never heard the saying "don't judge a book by its cover?" Sure it's basic but it's true.

The only exception to judge is when your fiancé comes home with another woman.

The elevators quick and made no stops since I guarantee everyone else is already asleep or out partying.

But when I unlock the door to the penthouse and swing it open I'm in awe. The room is just beautiful. Not as nice as the one I'm actually living in but this place wasn't too shabby.

I kick off my shoes and run up to the bedroom. Ugh! Yes it's so comfy. I don't bother with my suitcase or anything else. I get into bed and drift off into a deep slumber looking down upon NYC.

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