Chapter 12

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The dress I've decided to wear for our night out is a gorgeous little black dress. It hits my upper thighs and has a gorgeous silver fringe around the bottom with matching straps. I feel like one of those models, Kendall Jenner? Bella Hadid?

Anyhow, I paired the dress with black heels. I left my hair down in its natural state and added some natural makeup with black winged liner. I feel beautiful as I look at my complexion. Grayson is letting me live out my fashion filled dream.

I hear him knock on my door. As I turn he's poked his head inside "for all you know, I could've been naked." He smirks eyeing my outfit.

"You look alright." He says completely ignoring my last statement.

"Alright?" He's now full in my room with his hands in his pant pockets.

"Yeah, alright. What's wrong with alright?"

"You couldn't have gone with, beautiful or gorgeous?" He chuckles

"Sweetheart, you're head does not need to get any bigger."

"I think you're mistaking me with you. I for one can take a compliment without it going straight to my ego." Grayson rolls his eyes.

"Shutup and let's go. We're going to be late." He says.

I grab my new black Chanel purse from my nightstand and walk out of the room with Grayson following closely behind.

We get into the elevator and exit onto the ground floor. Walking through the building people stare. Yeah I finally look like I belong with your rich asses.

There's a black car waiting outside. I open the door to the passenger seat while Grayson walks around the car and gets into the drivers side.

"Will you tell me the name of the restaurant now?"

He pretends to think it over, placing his pointer finger on his chin "hmmm. No." He smiles and I want to punch it right off his face. Why does he always act like such an arrogant bitch over a simple question?

I decide to ignore him as we drive in silence down the bustling streets. It seems many people are out living their lives tonight.

After fifteen minutes we pull up outside some high end restaurant. Grayson looks at me "remember we're pretending to be a happy couple so act like it."

"I'm well aware of what my job entails as your fiancé. Now get out of the car and open my damn door!" I grit my teeth. Just because he's bought me materialistic items doesn't mean he gets away with acting like a prick.

"I like you bossy. It's hot."

"You're a dick."

"I know." With a wink he exits the car. I watch him confidently walk around and open the door for me. I take the hand he's offered. Immediately I'm blinded with flashing lights.

"The paps are here. Just smile and if they get to close let me know." I quickly nod as we walk forward and pause to take some pictures.

Questions are thrown left and right but I'm just trying to focus on actually being able to see. I'm solely relying on Grayson to guide me.

We get inside and are seated at a table by the window. A waiter comes to our table and hands us menus. "I'm Caden and I'll be your waiter tonight. Can I start you off with a drink?"

"I'll have a scotch." Grayson looks to me.

"I'll take three shots of tequila. Thank you."

The waiter smiles and walks away

"the hard stuff?"

I sip the water that sat in front of us "well if I'm to spend a night with you and the media, I'm going to need it."

Grayson takes a sip from his own glass "fair enough."

The waiter arrives back at our table with my shots and Graysons scotch. I throw two back, saving one for later.

"Have you decided on what you'd like to eat?"

"I'll take the shrimp ceviche." Grayson hands his menu to the waiter who looks at me.

"Yeah I'll have the chicken tenders with the fries and some ketchup." The waiter, Caden frowns.

"Ma'am that's a kids menu item." His voice is full of judgement that I don't appreciate.

"Look, Caden." Grayson looks at his name tag to make sure he got his name right.

"If my fiancé wants chicken tenders and fries-"

"-with ketchup." I add.

"With ketchup. She's going to have it. So go into the kitchen and tell the chef." His voice is calm but firm. Caden the poor boy is clearly terrified.

"O-of course s-sir." Immediately he runs away. Cant blame him.

"I want you to know I do hate you less right now."

"Wow. A compliment from the almighty Olivia Miller." He pretends to be shocked. I play along shrugging.

"Don't get used to it."

"Believe me sweetheart. I won't."

Our food comes quicker than expected. Yes, I do receive my chicken tenders and fries with ketchup. Safe to say I'm feeling a lot less grouchy.

"How's the food?"

"It's so good." I moan. I can't help it. It's seriously good chicken. He coughs slightly adjusting himself. A smirk makes its way onto my face. Yeah you aren't as slick as you think sir. All men are the same.

We eat our food in silence conversing with each other once our plates are done. It surprises me how easily conversation flows. I've known the man for a couple of years and yet I've never had a genuine conversation. It was dare I say, nice?

Our night came to an end as we got up after paying the check. "You're going to have to kiss me outside where the photographers are."

I frown "dam. Do I have too?"

"Yes. Pucker up and let's put on a show."

"Fine." I sigh dramatically. Kissing my boss is weird and yes I'm slightly nervous. This kiss is going to be majorly publicised but it's all a part of the deal.

Stepping out into the cool air Grayson pulls me into him. He cups my cheek and gently presses his lips against my own. Our peck turns into a full French kiss. Our tongues move in sync. He tastes of the scotch he was drinking earlier and it's addicting.

I pull back realising that I'm enjoying this a little too much. "I think that's good enough." I say and walk to the car that the valet guy pulled up without looking back.

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