the premiere

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"well we're here." said andy, clutching my hand tightly, pressing a soft kiss onto my lips.
"I'm so excited. I've never walked on a red carpet before."
"honestly, after gets a bit old."
I giggled watching as all the cast were passing by."
after walking on the red carpet and posing a bit for the cameras, the interviewers came in. with loads of questions.
"andy, nice to see you. I can see you brought a date." the overly excited interviewer said.
"hi, nice to see you too. yes, this is my girlfriend y/n."
"nice to meet you y/n."
"nice to meet you too." I smiled.
andy smiled back, giving my hand a squeeze and glancing at me "amazing to be here."
"well I have to ask. your relationship has obviously been a secret. how are you doing, what's the details?"
I answered first "it's amazing. we have a perfect relationship, and he treats me so well. I couldn't ask for a better place to be in right now."
"yeah." andy started to add on "we're so close to each other and I can't imagine myself with anyone else."
"aw you guys are adorable. so tell me about the movie."
as andy was talking about the process of the movie I heard someone in the crowd. "who the hell is she? she literally appeared out of nowhere."
I thought andy heard it too because he squeezed my hand and finished the interview quickly.
"let's go." he lead me to the room with the screens.

"it was amazing!" I looked at andy with excitement as the movie ended.
"yes it was perfect. you did a really good job."
"thank you." he smiled and gave me a short kiss on my lips.
he grabbed my hand and lead me outside, without saying goodbye to anyone. I was glad though. I wasn't in the mood to talk to them and I could tell he wasn't either. we found the limo and climbed in.

the ride home was in silence. not awkward though. a nice, tired silence.
we arrived home. I proceeded into the house, taking my shoes off. we both made our way to the bedroom.
"can you help me with this?" I asked turning my back at him pointing at the zipper on the back of my dress.
"sure." he stood behind me. I hold my hair up so he could see the zipper.
"you're so beautiful." he said as he was pulling the zipper down.
I turned around to face him and grabbed his neck and started kissing him. I could feel him smiling into the kiss.

andy sambergWhere stories live. Discover now