-Who are you?-

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The bell of Academy High rang and the multi-colored students walked towards the large building.

Falling behind the pack were the intimidating delinquents. 

Hayanari Tsumeato.

Dairoku Surikizu.

Gazu Hikitsuri.

Hokuto Furukizu.

Umeji Kizuguchi.

And Finally, their leader, Osoro Shidesu..

Not even the newly enrolled bullies had the courage to do so much as look at them..







Sitting on a bench in the courtyard, Ayano was contemplating what club to join. 

She scrolled through the pamphlet, seeing and analyzing the benefits to each club.

"In the gardening club, I get access to the garden shed, whatever that does. I'd probably get dirty." She muttered..

"In the cooking club, I have permission to make snacks for students and walk around with the food. Meh.. I'm a good cook but I don't want to have run around the school just to give people food." She said quietly.

[Ayano looked through all the club application forms until her head ached.]

She was trying to make herself feel something. None of these could provide the scenario for that purpose. 

Stuffing the pamphlet in her pocket, she started on her way the lockers.


Osoro and his crew hung out at the back of school by the in incinerator. 

Anyone who walked by picked up their pace to avoid confrontation. 

Osoro found himself amused at the other students' fear of him. 

Lighting a cigarette, Osoro excused himself to go for a smoke. 

The rest of the delinquents opened the circle for him to walk out.


Taking out a non-see-through zip-lock bag, she walked out the front doors and started on her way to the back of the school.  


Osoro walked to the back of the school, slowly smoking his cigar. 


Ayano walked to the back of the school, not realizing the delinquent 30ft away. She knelt down in front of a small kitten.

She pet it, trying with all she had to feel something.

She couldn't even feel bad for herself, being numb really did suck.

Opening the plastic bag got the attention of both the cat, and Osoro. 

Reaching into the back, Ayano pulled out a hand full of cat food. She had bought it prior to take care of the kitten.

The small animal slowly ate. Ayano watched. Osoro approached.

"Hey." Osoro called coldly at Ayano.

Ayano looked up at him from her place of the ground.

After in silence for a moment, Ayano spoke.





"Who are you?"

Male!Osoro x Ayano | Love Like RosesWhere stories live. Discover now