-He Will Be Mine-

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Osoro didn't know what to do. His friends rushed in to congratulate him. But paused when they realized the expression on their leader's face.

Osoro picked up bloody girl as a groom would hold a bride.

He began to walk away from the school, while his friends cleaned the scene.


Ayano couldn't see. She could hear, she could feel. She couldn't move.

She felt herself being picked up, and the quiet sobs of a man. Each tear wrenched her heart in a way she couldn't understand.

She struggled to open her eyes, but when she did, she only saw a blob of blonde hair. Before she could even process what she saw, her eyes weighed down, and she was blind once again.


She stood in an empty field of darkness, and she saw the familiar fog of a dream fast approaching. 

Ayano looked down at the familiar white sheets of a hospital bed.

She looked out the window, she was met with a dark sky with the moon peeking in. It was lights out and there was an incoherent figure with his head resting on her lap.

She stroked his hair calmly. She didn't move her legs, for fear of waking whoever this was.

She didn't understand why she cared so deeply for this person. But she did. She would anything for this person. Even if she hadn't a clue who his person was.

She could hear her heart, ever beating as normal. She heard the sound of the blood in her ears, which sounded like a train rushing by.

Ayano continued to play with the long hair of this familiar person. She braided and stroked the long locks without a care in the world.


Osoro drove to the hospital, breaking the law in more ways than one.

He rushed in holding Ayano. Tears in his eyes. Doctors rushed to him and crowded Ayano.

She was eventually taken to an operating room to treat her wounds.

Osoro asked the front desk to call Ayano's parents. They deserved to know what happened. They didn't deserve to worry about why their daughter didn't come home that day.


Much to Osoro's surprise, Umeji showed up to give him his coat.

He put it on and looked out the window, the sun was just setting. The orange and pink clouds covered the sky entirely.

He was then handed a phone. Umeji said that it was Ayano's and that it landed on his coat. It had been recording the fight.

Looking in her texts for answers, he found the contacts for her parents. Which he gave to the front desk.

But he also found someone named Info-Chan. She told Ayano to record the fight for a favor.

So against, his better judgement, he looked over the video and sent it.

Info-Chan - Thanks for the video. 

Info-Chan - Such a shame you didn't win.

Info-Chan - Recover soon, and don't forget that I owe you a favor now. ( ͡❛ ᵜ ͡❛)

Ayano / Osoro - Thanks, Info-Chan.

He shut off the phone and put it in his coat pocket.


After waiting another 20 minutes, Ayano's parents failed to show up. It was already dark out, clouds covered the stars from view.

Osoro walked to the front desk and asked about Ayano's condition.

The front desk lady asked Osoro to follow her, and she led him to Ayano's room.

She watched him walk in, then left to return to her desk.


Ayano turned the head of the man laying on her lap towards her, while she couldn't make out his features, she new he was attractive. 

She put her hand on his face, trying to feel his features to figure out what he looked like.

His skin was soft and slightly chiseled. 

She squished his cheeks and chuckled quietly to herself.

She then went back to running her fingers through his hair.


Osoro looked at the unconscious Ayano. Bandages and patches around her injuries. A doctor stood at the foot of her bed, writing something on a clipboard.

The doctor looked at Osoro, "Who might you be?" he asked.

"I'm Ayano's friend from school. I brought her here after she got into a fight with some kid." He lied shamelessly. "My name's Osoro."

The doctor hummed with approval, leaving the room quietly.


Osoro pulled up a chair next to Ayano's bed. He examined her bandages. Pangs of guilt filled his chest at every patch he saw. 

Her head was cocked to the side, towards him.

She began to mumble. It was to quiet for Osoro to hear however, so he just smiled.


Ayano began to ask questions to the sleeping figure.

"What's your name?"

"Do I know you?"

"Where are we?"

All the obvious stuff.

She didn't get an answer, but she saw the figure's mouth grow into a small smile, which made her laugh softly.


Fatigue kicked in, Osoro's injuries of his own were beginning to slow him down. 

He fell, using his arms to brace the impact. 

He landed on Ayano's midsection.


Ayano's eyes fluttered open. 

For real this time.

She yawned and rubbed away the sleep in her eyes. 

She cracked her back in a satisfying way, as she does whenever she wakes up.

She felt weight in her lap, and when she looked down, she saw none other than Osoro Shidesu. The guy she was just fighting.

She pet and stoked his hair. Braided it. She just enjoyed the delinquents' company to be honest.

He seemed to be out cold, so Ayano started toying with his face. Poking him, petting him, squishing him. All of the above.

She felt the urge to protect him. No matter what happens. No matter who or what comes into the equation. 















'H e  W i l l  B e  M i n e.'

Male!Osoro x Ayano | Love Like RosesWhere stories live. Discover now