18: A Rescue for the Distressed

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With the discovery of his real name came a flurry of activity throughout the household. Simon and Bart sent missives to their agents, requesting subtle inquiries into any missing men by the name of 'David'. The police were also sent for, but they remained disappointed when David could not recall anything further.

One evening, sitting in a new bed in the guest quarters with his injured leg propped on a pillow, David tried to describe the problem with his memory to Beth. He picked up a piece of the puzzle he was currently working on with Phil, squeezing it gently between forefinger and thumb.

"It's as if my mind were a puzzle," he announced, gaze fixed on the small square, "And I'm missing all the edge pieces. I don't know how or where to begin."

Beth lowered the book she had been trying to read – most difficult when David was being sweet and gentle with her sister - to her lap, tilting her head at him. It was hard to offer words of comfort for something she could not comprehend. To forget one's family, friends, life... it must be deeply unsettling.

Phil, who was lying on her stomach across the bed, skirts gathered around her knees as she kicked her legs back and forth, quickly snatched the piece he held, giggling as she pressed it into place in the design they were creating. "Not all the edges!" she said, picking up a corner piece and placing it in his now empty hand. "You know you're David, now."

David responded with a gentle smile, before darting forward to mess her hair. The girl leapt from the bed with a squeal, dashing behind Beth's chair with a broad grin. Her elder sister offered her a pillow from the chaise beside her, encouraging retaliation that left the room in delight and the puzzle long forgotten.

Thomas Thorne was also sent for in the wake of David remembering his name. Perhaps he could have been contacted via letter, but the man seemed to have made a home for himself near them, popping in for tea and company whenever he felt like it, and it seemed far too impersonal to trust this news to paper when he was doubtless so near.

As it was, the footman sent to summon Thomas returned with him within the hour.

The man received the news of David's new – or old, as the case may be – name with only a noise of consideration. His head tilted to the side, and he tapped a finger against his lower lip.

"I think it suits you better." He said after a long moment.

The room – David, Beth, Simon and Vincent – only blinked at him.

"The name, I mean. I think you look to be more of a 'David' than a 'John'." Thomas spared Beth a sigh. "Really, Beth, I'm sure you could have guessed that from the start! 'John'? Really!"

Eventually they managed to get a straightforward response out of Thomas; the name did not help, he still did not recognise David.

Between all these discussions, the tension between Beth and David had settled some. Or rather, it had not had time to present itself. This was because more of a drain on Beth's time than David's revelation, was Victoria's Wedding.

Truth be told, there was very little for anyone to do in the lead up to the big event; the flowers and dresses were ordered, the cake was made, the banns were read... It was only the bride that was concerned. Much of Beth's energy in the days that followed was expended trying to calm her young cousin, alongside Rosemary and Aunt Jemima and other members of their extended family.

They were all relieved when the day arrived, and by early evening the worst of it was over and they could sit down to the wedding supper. Victoria's new husband was Lord Charles Hutton, Earl of Lancaster, and sitting together as they did at the front of the room they looked rather resplendent. Lancaster was a gravely handsome fellow, though perhaps his seriousness was exaggerated beside his cheerful bride. It may also have been attributed to age; If Beth remembered correctly, Lancaster had been the year ahead of Simon in school, putting him the better part of a decade older than Victoria. Perhaps the next 10 years would see Victoria settle some and master the serenity Lancaster was renowned for.

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