10: The Suitor at the Soiree

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Thomas' visit provided more questions than answers, and the Humphrey siblings seemed to disperse throughout the house to process them. Beth's morning passed in a blur, until she was sitting at the dining table, trying to eat her lunch and ignore the butterflies in her stomach. Each mouthful of soup was a battle of wills. By the time she successfully raised the spoon to her lips for the third time, the food was cold, and she lowered the utensil back to the table with a sigh.

She assured herself that she was only nervous to see John again after her conversation with Simon in the early hours. If her brother was starting to get the wrong impression from her daily visits, then it was only right for her to be concerned! What were her other brothers thinking? The staff? What about John? She ignored the flush that set in her cheeks.

She rose, asked the kitchen maid to pass her apologies to the cook, and stalked out into the hallway, determined to outwardly reflect what she was inwardly reciting; this was fine.

The door to John's room was already ajar, but she knocked gently nonetheless, poking her head inside. She had to smother a giggle with a hand over her mouth when she found John sitting in the bed, one hand holding a book aloft as he read and the other resting on the head of her sleeping sister. His injured leg took up half the bed, with a barricade of pillows in the middle, and then the remainder appeared to belong predominantly to Phil. She was tangled about in his sheets, laying on her stomach with her head resting on his chest. And John was stroking her hair.

He glanced up when he heard her, and his instantaneous smile dredged up her corresponding grin before she could stop it. Their eyes met and held, neither able to look away. Beth was again reminded how handsome he was.

Phil snuffled in her sleep, squirming slightly, but the distraction was enough.

John coughed softly, glancing down at the girl. "I think I've learnt something more about myself."

Beth watched the floor carefully as she walked into the room, settling deliberately in the armchair. "Oh?"

"Yes." His tone was so gentle, she had to glance up. He was smiling at her sister. "I think I get along well with children."

Beth refused to name the flutters in her stomach. "Phil is hardly a normal child."

His next smile was for her. "I've noticed. But even so," he tossed his head towards how she was laid across his bed, "we are fast friends already."

"Just as we are." The words left her mouth before she could stop them, unsure if she wanted to broach this conversation or not. She dropped her chin almost immediately, focussing on her hands but watching him out of her peripheries. His moving hand froze, and he lowered the book to the bed.

"Of course."

The moment stretched out uncomfortably, until they both spoke at once.

"Simon pointed out-"

"Your brother raised-"

They both stopped abruptly, and John let out a low laugh, raking the hair out of his face with one hand. "I suppose Simon gave us both different versions of the same lecture."

Beth's answering smile felt forced and fragile. She wasn't sure how she felt about Simon speaking with John. "What did he say to you?" she asked very quietly.

John waited for a moment, listening to the rise and fall of the small lungs in his lap to confirm the girl was still asleep. "He reminded me that I'm not in a position to make promises. And to you?"

Her gaze fell to her lap again, but she managed to keep the curve of her lips in place. "He said that my reputation is his responsibility." She rolled her eyes. "But he's wrong; it's mine. I can't place myself in compromising positions, no matter how well-intentioned, not if I-I... not if I want a match like my parents had."

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