Twelve★ A date to remember

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          "How do I look?" Annie asked, taking her last step down the stairs where all three of her brothers were sat, eyes glued to the TV as they tried to beat themselves in a video game she knew nothing about; not even its name. She was clad in a baby pink spaghetti strapped cropped top, alongside blue mom jeans. It was complemented with sneakers, the same shade of pink as her top and she had styled her braids into two identical buns, with two stray braids framing her face. She wore the silver set of jewelry her Dad got her for Christmas and if she were to rate herself, she'd give it a nine out of ten.

          "Stupid. You look stupid." Dave said, even though none of them had given her a mere glance.

          "Yeah, he's right." Dan agreed, still not looking at her. "Go back inside. We don't want you to go out and embarrass yourself now, do we?"

          Annie snickered, not at all feeling moved by their words. "You guys are just jealous cause it's been a while since y'all went on dates. And pissed off because I'm going with a guy you hate."

          "We don't hate him." The twins muttered simultaneously.

          "Then why don't you want me with him?'

          "He's not good for you," Dan grumbled.

          "Come on guys, we've been through this." And they had. After her walk home from the diner that faithful day, there were lots of arguing in the house and they had come to the conclusion that Jack and his friends were harmless. Well, she had and she'd tried to convince her brothers because they themselves were also involved in immature and harmless pranks around the school.

          The conversation had died there because they didn't have anything to counter that with and they'd gone about with their normal activities. That was until two days later, when she skipped in with a smile, telling the boys that she had a date with Jack. The smile they'd worn on their faces on seeing her beam slipped off their faces at the news. Another round of arguing had commenced, but she'd told them she'd made up her mind and they accepted defeat.

          "Now look at me and tell me if I look good enough."

          All three of their heads whipped up at that sentence and when she held back a laugh, they glared at her, realizing she was just messing with them.

          "Just tell me if I look great." They sighed and dished her compliments—seeing as their game had already ended at her distraction—somehow, managing to input one or two insults at Jack. Boys, she chuckled. Why was she stuck with three overprotective brothers anyways? "He'll be here any minute, be nice." She chided, checking her silver wristwatch to see it was four thirty-six. He said he'd be picking her up at fifteen to five.

          A little while after idly sitting around and doing nothing, the doorbell rang and Annie stood up to get it. Except her brothers beat her to it and when she got to the door, she saw all three of them glowering at a confused Jack.

          Annie pushed them out of her way and stepped into Jack's line of sight, his expression morphing into a kind smile at her appearance. His eyes traveled down her body for a second too long and Matt flicked his forehead. "You're drooling."

          "You too, little sis," Dave whispered in her ear and she found herself blushing, still unable to take her eyes off his form that was dressed in all black. Black undershirt, black jeans, black leather jacket, and black kicks. Typical bad boy look even if he was anything but.

          When she saw Jack's face tinge pink, she chuckled, also shooting a glare at her brothers before dragging him away. "Get her home by nine the latest!"

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