Fourteen★ Kisses are free.

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          Annie woke up the next morning already feeling the absence of a certain person on her bed. She reached for her phone to check the time and she saw that it was almost noon. There was also a good morning text from Jack and she quickly typed out a reply to him before going through her morning routine.

          When she looked in the mirror, she saw a new glow in her cheeks. She'd read about it in books being the after-sex look but she was still a virgin. Maybe, it was because she lost her virgin lip status? Or was it just the pure happiness radiating off her?

          Jack really exhausted her the previous night, taking her to four different places and their kisses were definitely things engraved in her memory. Hell, nothing about Jack was to be forgotten. When she'd invited him to her room, she really wished they would've kissed one more time but she'd been too shy and hesitant to initiate it.

          Annie was ecstatic when she exited her room for the first time in over fourteen hours to see that the house wasn't as messy as she'd expected. Matt, the only Prescott boy most likely not hungover because he didn't drink, must have started the clean-up earlier.

          There were more traces of the party downstairs where her brother and two of their closest friends were sitting around the barstools next to the aisle.

          "Hey, sleeping beauty. Had a long night?" Stuart asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Either Dan or Dave must have told him about her date with Jack.

          "Yup. Had a really long night." She exaggerated, not paying mind to the death glares the twins were giving her as she searched the cupboards for her Lucky Charms cereal.

          "How was your date?" Matt asked just as she put the milk in her cereal.

          "It was great! He took me ice skating, then we golfed, and then we went to an arcade before going on a picnic." She relayed happily and all the boys exchanged looks as if passing silent messages. They were five in total; all three of her brothers and the twins' friends—Stuart and Ross—who must have stayed over to help clean up. "What?"

          "What's this guy's name?"

          "Why?" Annie eyed Ross warily.

          "Nothing. I just want to know. Does he go to our school?"

          She knew he knew the answer to that question but she answered anyway. "Yes, he does. Jackson McMahon."

          "I know him!" Stuart exclaimed. Yeah, it felt like anyone who wasn't Annie knew him. "He hangs out with that Smith kid and what's her name, is it Chanel?"

          "Chantelle." She corrected and he nodded.

          "Yeah, that chick. I heard her dad is running for senator next year. And she has this actress sister."

          "How do you know that?" Annie asked curiously. After all, she'd been told by Jack that Chantelle made sure to never publicly associate with the actress, Olivia Morningstar, because she didn't want to be famous by association.

          "I know a lot of things." Stuart shrugged. "They hang around two other boys. Those kids are kind of famous."

          "And I'm guessing you've met all of them?"

          "Except one," Annie answered Dave. How the hell she didn't know this group of friends before now was beyond her. Was she that oblivious to her surroundings?

          "Look at you, little rebel." Dave spat in mock distaste. "Breaking mom's rules because she's not here to see, huh?"

          "If it helps you feel better, I was already breaking them before she traveled." She retorted and Matt nudged her before raising his hand up for a high five. Jack was really spot on when he said Matt was her favorite brother. Hell, he was spot on in everything he said about her.

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