21. Truths

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"I'll have to help you get dressed since these tights rip so easily, and we wouldn't want to ruin them, now would we?" Clarissa asked while ever so carefully pulling his top off over his head so as not to ruin his hair.

"Okay, I guess," Taylor nervously answered, now standing in front of her topless. "Since you know everything now, then I guess I don't have to be worried about hiding anything anymore in front of you."

"Of course not, sweetie," said Carissa as he stepped out of his shoes and took off his socks.

This girl stuff is gruelling, but I do feel better now," said Taylor, unzipping his skirt.

Sweetie, you don't ever have to be worried, I've seen everything you got . . . "

Taylor's skirt fell down around his ankles.

". . . or not! Holy shit, Taylor!" screamed Carissa, jumping back in shock when he turned and she saw the little budge in his panties.

"What?? You okay?" Taylor shouted.

Carissa was now covering her chest. "Yeah, yeah, it ah, it's okay, I, uh, It's just. Wow." A grin spread across her face.

"I thought you were good with everything."

"Holy crap! I am now. It was just a bit shocking is all. I was taken by suprise," said Carissa, half covering her mouth and giggling.

"Just wow. That's all. This is interesting and explains a lot."

Taylor gave her a puzzled look.

"I just think we had a little misunderstanding, is all. Oh, your brother and I have way more to talk about now, but it's fine. It's fine!"

"B-but, you said you knew," said Taylor, growing angry, and shaking as she opened the package of tights. "You said it was cool and you would help me."

"I am cool with you, Taylor! I love you regardless of your gender and I think you're beautiful both inside and out," said Carissa, hugging him.

When she released Taylor, she rolled one leg of the tights up with her hands.

"Now sit. Taylor. Look, what I thought was that you were a girl struggling to find her femininity as she matured without a mom in her life, being raised by a man. I see now, that wasn't it at all. This is an interesting plot twist. Sweetie, I want you to know I support you. In fact, Kaylee and I are both here for you and will help you however you need it. Now just relax. You have nothing to worry about. You can always be yourself around us. I think it's cool and I will do everything I can to help you have a wonderful life."

Oh, thank you," said Taylor as Carissa rolled the tights up his legs.

She then had him stand before she tugged them tightly, snapping the waist band.

"You have no idea what a strain this has been on me." Taylor explained as he stepped into his dress and struggled to navigate a sleeveless bodice with thin shoulder straps.

"I can only imagine, and obviously you aren't the only one around here that was confused. But now, it's all clear. You're life is about to get so much better. I'm going to take good care of you. Trust me," said Carissa, smiling while she held open a dress for him to step into.

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