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The next two days passed in a more pleasant manner. Our last 'trust exercises' finished without too much trouble. My relationship with Chelsea was somewhat less strained. She smiled at me and asked me how I was and what not, but it was mainly awkward and I could tell she didn't know how to act. It was going to take a bit more than an apology and a change of heart to completely mend our broken relationship. We were nowhere close to being the best of friends that shared all their secrets and gossiped about boys and shoes and shit. There was a high chance we would never get to that stage. However, I preferred the strained smiles to the scowls and judgemental glares that I used to receive.

"Okay, just a reminder that tomorrow night will be your last session, it is a bonfire where we will talk about our feelings towards one another and what we have learnt this week, enjoy your day." Tera dismissed us.

"Great," I mumbled under my breath. "I love talking about our feelings towards one another."

"It'll be eventful that's for sure," Cameron breathed. I hadn't realised anyone had heard me. I looked up at him.

"It'll be catastrophic," I corrected him. He didn't even bother to deny it.

"That too."


"Would you prefer if I lied to you?"

"Right now, maybe."

"Then it'll be fun and rainbows and sunshine's and unicorns," he sang plastering a fake smile on his face.

I shook my head at his performance. "I'll see you at dinner." I walked off towards the beach wanting nothing more but to go for a swim. I had only just reached it when I was pushed full force straight into the water. The salt water filled my mouth and nose and I stood up spluttering and coughing as a very smiley Declan stared down at me.

"What the fuck?" I snapped, wiping my face.


"I hate you," I coughed.

"No you don't. Besides I have some exciting news," he said completely ignoring my obvious frustration towards him. I pushed my wet hair out of my face and crossed my arms over my chest.

"What news?"

"Ah, I can't tell you till we get there."

"Are you high? Because you are literally acting so crazy right now and stop smiling like that it's creeping me out," I told him pushing him in the chest for good measure as I walked out of the water to ring out my wet clothes.

"Please, you're just mad because I pushed you in the water. But seriously I have this awesome place to show you," he pleaded. He looked so genuinely excited I couldn't fathom saying no.

"Fine," I sighed.

"Yes, follow me."

"Can't I get changed?"

"No need, follow me," he said again. He started walking away so I had no choice but to follow him, I had to run to catch up to his long strides.

"Where are we going?" I asked when I finally did catch him.

"It's a surprise," he said bluntly, giving nothing away. Rather than pushing it I just followed along, knowing he wasn't spilling anything. We stopped back in front of Ari's boat. The friendly boatsman smiled towards us. "Hello again Ma'am," he nodded.

"Hey Ari," I smiled back, "Where are we going?"  He opened his mouth to respond but Declan jumped in before he could.

"Nice try Sofia, nice try," he turned to Ari "It's a surprise." Ari nodded his head eagerly laughing at my frustrated expression. Declan climbed into the boat before turning to help me in. Despite myself I grabbed his hand and let him steady me as I stepped in. His hand lingered on mine for a moment longer than necessary. I quickly pulled away when I realised, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

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