Chapter 10

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Mr Healy's office was a small room with a wooden desk fitted to the back of the right wall as book shelves decorated the other side.

Papers cluttered his desk to the point you couldn't see the scratched wood underneath it.

"Vira Romano, please have a seat" A white chubby man with graying hair spoke as he gestured to the open chair infront of his desk.

I reluctantly sat down and leaned back, crossing my arms over my chest.

Having to talk to my "counselor" was such a nauseating idea that I held back the urge to twist my face in disgust, so instead I just settled for an emotionless look to unsettle him.

"So, as you know, I'm going to be your counselor at this prison. My job is to go over your records and handle any problems you have...Well in reason of course.." He sighs as he continues, "I may seem like just some random officer at this place but I help a lotta ladies out in here, so don't be afraid to speak up. Especially if someone is breaking the rules, understand?'

I lift up my eyebrow skeptically, "You want me to be your little snitch? My, how trusting of you".

Mr Healy just shakes his head and as I look more closely, I can see the lines of stress and tiredness in his face

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Mr Healy just shakes his head and as I look more closely, I can see the lines of stress and tiredness in his face.

So, a tired old man is in charge of a bunch of women?

What could go wrong?

"Snitch? Is that what you think it is? Romano, you could be helping us out big time and allow us to put a stop to harmful activity..Jesus, what's with kids these days! You see sketchy activity and don't report it?!" He rants and I smile as I relaise I put him off track.

He was supposed to be asking me about lawyers and what not but I seemed to hit a nerve on him.

"Well, ya know, I am in prison...Sketchy activity is kinda why I'm here" I reply back smoothly, uncrossing my arms and leaning them against the top of the chair.

He lets out another long sigh, opens his mouth to talk but then thinks better of it.

Instead he picks up two three sheets of paper and neatly places them together in a pile.

"Anyway, let's talk about why your really here" Mr Healy starts as he scans over the first paper, a document of my court hearing.

"You're in here for...let's see.." He looks over the lines, "for breaking into someone's home and being an accomplice for a murder".

I let my mouth smile wide at his words, a stretchy grin that feels like a grotesque mask on my face.

Ah, yes, I'm just an accessory to murder, which means all I did was try to help the murderer finish the job but while not actually committing the crime.

Why did I have to get such a lame title ? I've killed so many people and gottton away with it, I should be called a seriel killer!

With what the police and court found, they obviously don't know my history with crime and the group I work for.

They must have had time to cover up and hide while me and Romeo fight our way out of prison.

Dirty scumbags! When I get out of here, I'm gonna show them how terrifying I could really be.

"You don't look to upset over this, Romano.." Mr Healy questions, his voice going deep with concern.

"Oh, this is my upset face! Don't worry a hair on that graying head of yours, Healy!" I cheerfully say, my green eyes lit up with our conversation.

"You can't keep acting like this if you ever wanna leave. People are gonna assume your some psycho who has no empathy for there victims" He grumbles and leans forward.

I tilt my head in thought and tap my finger against my chin for dramatic affect, "Who said I wasn't? I mean, there not exactly wrong".

Mr healy twists his face in disgust and leans back again, as if he was afraid if he gone any closer, I would bite.

"Romano, please try to cooperate with me. I'm trying to at least get you on porale and maybe even change your sentence. You got life in prison, there isn't a way to really change that but maybe if you showed good behavior, it will" He argues back.

"If I show good behavior? Like I'm some fuckin dog that needs trained? Ha!" I throw my head back in a laugh, my smile wide and crazy.

"I'm not lettin some sexist pigs determin my life, Healy" I snarl, my words dripping with venom.

My voice grows thick with my Spanish accent the more angrier I get.

"I'm my own person and I'm gonna do whatever I goddamm want with it!" I snap and my tone comes out louder than I intended it to, causing Healy to jump in alarm.

"Calm down, Romano! Your in my prison, remember?! Your under my goddam rules and you have to do everything I saw! You don't have a life anymore, you can't go around comiting crimes like you used to! Welcome to reality Romano, people like you never get a second chance. YOU ARE NOTHING!" Mr Healy suddenly gets up from his chair and leans his whole body towards me, his face red and sweaty.

I stand up from my chair as well, leaning over the other side of the desk, my hands curled up against the hard surface.

Im inches away from his face and I can smell the coffee in his breath.

Looking deep into his eyes, my green ones deep and wild, I growl, "You are nothing, Healy. You can play the part of the kind councilor all you want but I know deep down your scared. Oh, your so fucking scared it keeps you up at night. You know you can't keep me trapped in here forever and one day I'm gonna escape and when I do, I'll come back for you. Oh, I will and I'll make you regret ever saying those words to me."

He stands there stunned, his fists curling so tight the skin is turning white around the knuckles.

"I'll make you choke on those words, Healy. And its gonna be the last thing you ever fuxking do".

AN: An early holiday present! Enjoy lovlies !

Also, if I made an Instagram for updates and stuff would you guys follow it? I would also post stuff about my OC's and maybe even my own book ideas? Comment below please!

Word count: 1076

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