Chapter 22

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Nicky's POV: 

Getting to know Cherry these past few months has been an experience, to say the least. The first time I saw her walking up to my lunch table, her dark green eyes scanning judgmentally, I knew I was in trouble. 

She was gorgeous, no doubt about that. How her black hair with strands of red curled around her shoulder, how her full, red lips would curl up into a snarl or smirk whenever I would make a joke. 

How even when she swore at me, her tone so vicious and dull of poison that I swear I would start shaking in my seat from fear, I still wanted her. 

Even as scars cover her entire body, I still wanted her. I needed her, like how a person needs lungs to breathe. Cherry's my lungs, and I forget how to breathe if I'm not around her. 

Tomorrow Cherry's getting out of isolation. It's been almost a full month without her, and even though I've spent years in jail, these past few weeks have felt like Hell. 

Sure, I had my usual friends accompany me, but it wasn't the same without Cherry.  She was my light, my star in the darkest of nights. And I'm glad to call her my best friend, whether she knows it or not. 

A memory stirs inside my head as I sit at my usual spot at lunch, the conversation around me nothing but static in my ears. 

After Doggett had poured old syrup over her head, I had gone to the bathroom with Cherry to wash it off. 

It was awful, the syrup had gotten stuck all throughout her hair and most of her jump suit, making her smell like mold and sickly-sweet syrup. 

I remember how I had waited for her as she showered, my anxiety going crazy. I felt angry, so angry that Doggett had gone and done something like that to her. 

How could humiliate someone like that? To go as far as to physically stain someone with old, moldy food? How desperate do you have to be?

I knew from Cherry's state that she had to cut her hair, so I wasn't shocked when she asked for a razor. 

But what I was shocked and maybe even a little disturbed, was how much scars she had. I knew she had scars, as her hands were covered in them. Thin white ones and dark red's that laced her skin like ribbons. 

But to have them all over her body as well, it shocked me. It made me take a step back, confused at what I was seeing. I wasn't grossed out, not in the slightest. 

Just shocked, disturbed and sad. 

Being so close to her in the bathroom, her skin on full display, was like being face to face with a real-life painting, her beauty as timeless as the God's. Cherry looks at her scars in disgust and shame, but I see them as stars across an endless sky. 

Each scar is like an accidental brushstroke, only to end up amplifying the paintings beauty.

  I wasn't afraid to admit that it scared me, knowing that Cherry had all those scars. The way the harsh line of a red scar curved around her tan skin, taunt and stretched over the soft outline of her bones. How I could see the white outlines of smaller scars hidden beneath the more vibrant ones. 

My stomach churned at the thought of how much pain Cherry had to have gone through to get such extreme wounds. I really hope Cherry didn't give herself those scars but if she didn't, that would mean someone else did and to be honest, I wasn't sure what was worse. 

If Cherry had given herself all those wounds, even the one on her hands, I wasn't sure what I would do. 

Knowing that someone had given themselves so many scars, to the point that their skin had become so mutilated and torn, it disturbed me. 

Was Cherry a disturbed person? 

Disturbed in the way that she had taken a knife to her skin and cut, cut, cut. Not stopping until every piece of her was covered in scars. 

Not stopping until she cut so deep that the scars would never fully heal, leaving behind harsh, risen red lines that popped up like burns on her skin? 

Or did someone hurt her, leaving her so scarred, mentally and physically that it destroyed her soul, body and mind? 

Compared to what I've seen, I would say that there was defiantly something mentally wrong with Cherry.  

Maybe she was a psychopath? Or maybe she was just insane? 

As I looked into her eyes as she slammed Doggett's face into the side of the table, I could see that Cherry was smiling. 

Like, actually smiling. A real, genuine, wide smile. 

It scared me to know that doing something like that made Cherry happy. That she was honestly happy to do that to someone. 

There was so much blood, on the floor and on the table. Doggett's eye was a mess of skin and blood, her socket nothing left but a pulpy hole in her head. 

And the screams, oh God the screams. 

The screams that Doggett let out, the pure cries of pain that echoed throughout the walls like a haunted choir. 

Sometimes, late at night, when the only sounds are the quiet snores of my fellow cellmates and the flicker of the overhead lights, those screams echo throughout my mind. 

But still, after all of that, I still wanted her. 

I want to hold her hand. I want to wrap her into a deep hug and tell her everything's going to be okay. 

I want to finally be able to place my lips on hers, to properly kiss her and taste those full lips and bring her closer till both our bodies are touching. 

I want to fuck her. 

But those are just fantasy pipe dreams, dreams that keep me sane in this prison Hell hole. They keep me going, keep me making it through another day till I can finally close my eyes at night and let my wants and needs take over my mind.

Seeing Cherry is just enough to keep me going. Just one more day and I'll finally see her, to have her back in my life again. 

And this time, I'm not going to let her out of my sight. 

Wow me posting? Crazy. Anyway, sorry for the huge delay! Summer has been crazy and I'm actualyl working on getting one of my own books published hehe. I'm not going to say what book cause I don't want my real name out there. Anyway, it's been pretty crazy. Also my birthday is soon and I'm gonna be 19...Yikes. I'm so old :( 

P.S. I have an A03 account! I posted a fic on there but idk if yall want to read it. It's a Moon Knight X Male OC fic. 

Like and comment! Bye :)

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