Chpt 2 Suga-senpai said friends

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Kageyama's POV

The next few days I found my eyes constantly wandering to seek out Hinata, due to my permanent scowl Hinata of course assumed I was judging him, but he couldn't be further from the truth. During practice one day Suga-senpai asked if I was okay, he said that I seemed to be spacing out frequently. After practice told Hinata I had something to do so I couldn't walk home with him, I spoke with Suga and told him about my weird feelings towards Hinata. Suga seemed amused at first and giggled before telling me I should try talk more with Hinata he said it probably wasn't because of my curiosity for omegas as there were plenty of other omegas like him yet my fascination seemed only to be for Hinata, that perhaps I wanted to be friends with that little ball of energy.

I dwelled over Suga's words later that night lying flat in bed with a volleyball perched between my outstretched hands, Suga-senpai was very smart and I could see now why he was called mother crow. I just didn't know how to approach Hinata or why I was so worried about being his friend. it only occurred to me the next day during practice that all I had to do was compliment Hinata to get his attention, Hinata was always itching for encouragement or compliments. "N-nice spike boke" I stuttered a blush surely forming across my face, Hinata stood dumbfounded staring at me "are you feeling okay ?"Hinata stated " what, am I not allowed to compliment you" I mumbled " I mean you can, but why" he asked his head cocked to the side like a puppy. " I just thought it was good, you jumped really high..." Hinata lightly laughed and moved closer to me flashing a large grin, he extended his small pale fist out to me signalling for a fist bump. I gladly accepted, my skin tingling at the contact from the small omega. That night I slept soundly dreaming of his beautiful citrus aroma and fiery hair.

My attempt at being friends with Hinata was a success we were spending more time together and I felt myself growing happier in his presence, we would eat our lunch together huddled on the roof Sharing volleyball stories and practiced together outside of school. Still I wanted to be his best friend and I felt there was still so much I didn't know about him.

Hinata's POV

Kageyama was changing so rapidly before my eyes, it made my heart swell with pride when I saw his blueberry eyes sweetly turned up and wrinkled with a smile so rarely used. I knew of kageyama's past as I had heard rumours from Oikawa and onion head, I can see why he was so hesitant to open up to anyone but I wish he would tell me about it himself. He was accused of acting like a toxic alpha, nothing infuriates me more than people making assumptions on your character just because of your secondary gender. I mean I've had my fair share of prejudice naturally because i'm an omega, it makes me angry that everyone treats me as fragile. At least kageyama doesn't.

After our defeat in the inter high prelims by seijoh the whole team was particularly shaken up and distressed, particularly Kageyama, because of how close I had grown to Kageyama I could see how badly he was troubled by our elimination. It weighed down on him, his sorrow was so intense I could smell the change in his pheromones and it was overbearing. He wouldn't meet my eye anymore and wore a vacant expression on his once shining face, he looked so very far away and I just wished to know what was going on inside that complicated head his. One lunch time we sat huddled together on the wind whipped roof me staring at him whilst he looked at his hands folded neatly in his lap, we stayed like that for minutes an uncomfortable silence resting over us. His striking blues eyes clouded over in thought and cinnamon scent poisoned with the bitter smell of grief. "K-Kageyama... bakayama"no response. "kags please" he only grunted response making my unease surge and anger grow. " Tobio answer me now!" he looked up then his mouth open in a perfect 'o' of shock, that worked. " I- you, you used my given name" he whispered softly. "yes I did, now tell me why are you so upset" I answered dully not sugarcoating the question, " I'm not upset i'm fine" I was perched higher than him so he looked up at me delicately through his feathered black lashes, his blueberry eyes silently pleading whilst his deceitful cherry lips stretched into a half-hearted smile. The sight of Kageyama looking so helpless bore into my heart and etched itself on my brain, just looking at his inconsolable face induced the prickle of small tears welling in my eyes. even though I'm just an omega I would give everything to protect Tobio from feeling so helpless again. "please Kageyama I know you well enough to know that your not okay" I pleaded tears threatening to spill over and stain my paled cheeks, "No" he uttered. "what" I replied in genuine confusion, " I said no... you don't know me well enough, you're not my friend so you have no idea what's going on in my head" he hissed. Anger pheromones clouded him making me weak and unable to do anything, I lay completely static watching him rush away from me toward the exit door. His words rung out stinging my ears with their harshness, did I really not know him?

Kageyama's POV

My phone buzzed continuously inside my pocket as I headed to my next class urging me to look at the messages, I didn't even need to read the messages to know it was from a worried Hinata. I had stopped reading the messages after many more came piling in filling my inbox, I hadn't the strength nor courage to respond to Hinata so I ignored the messages, and skipped practice after school to avoid an angry Hinata. I didn't mean what I said, Hinata held a very important place in my heart I was just so angry he could see right through me. Hinata always managed to look straight into my soul and figure out how I was feeling, and I couldn't let him see me then so I thought running was the best option.

I was deeply crushed by our defeat like everyone else, the defeat made me think about when everyone in my middle school turned their back on me. I wondered if the same thing would happen again, so I let the feelings fester and turn into a darkness I carried around inside of me. I couldn't talk to Hinata because I was so afraid he'd see right through me and leave me right there, I thought Hinata would leave me so maybe I should cut my losses and leave him first.

My phone held many unopened messages documenting Hinata's pain and confusion,
amongst that messages from Daichi and Sugawara wondering why I'd skipped practice for the past few days. Truth be told I hadn't showed up to school at all since what happened with Hinata, I couldn't bear to see a look of disgust on Hinata's face.

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