Alone again ?

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Kageyama's POV

I sat hunched in the corner of my unmade bed staring into the night's darkness, how long had I been doing that ? I had spent days at home in my unlit room with the curtains closed blocking out the world, my stomach growled loudly, when did I eat last? Tuesday? my parents hadn't been home the whole week I've skipped school, they would've called if they were actually worried. They'd probably just lecture me when they get home tomorrow, I sighed crawling out of bed and walking out the dim room into harsh pale lighting. I leant sluggishly against the kitchen counter blinking heavily to adjust my eyes to the burning light, the kitchen was a pristine white a reminder of its neglect for the past few days. I settled on the sofa with a carton of milk absentmindedly gazing at the TV uninterested, time had passed and I woke from restless sleep to the sound of the front door opening. I hadn't the energy to look up so I called out weakly "mom", there was frantic footsteps approaching me  " Oh Tobio hon, I was so worried. why didn't you answer my calls" she said with an agitated tone pushing my hair out my face. I thought to my phone which lay untouched and silenced on the floor of my room, I had ignored my phone entirely this week. I looked up at her meekly, glistening tears pooling in my sullen eyes, she knew immediately I was thinking about middle school her face softened and she pulled me into her arms humming a gentle tune like she did when I was young. we sat there for minutes her releasing calming pheromones, gently tracing circles into my back to soothe my aching body from the deep shaking sobs escaping out my throat. The sound echoed across the room telling a tale of my pain. 

My mom had let me stay off school for another few days before forcing me out of bed and ushering me out the house to school, I looked like shit. My eyes were inflamed and a violent pink giving way to large purple eye bags, my hair was disheveled and I reeked of sour distress pheromones. We had club in the morning and Hinata was in my form, it was impossible to avoid him anymore. I couldn't help but think maybe he'll be the one avoiding me now,  I couldn't bear to think of Hinata hating me. The clubroom was already full when I got there, eyes widened in surprise and there was a stifled laugh from Tsukkishima who laughed out " you look like crap" earning him an instant slap from Suga senpai. My mind was so clouded over I couldn't even come up with a response, I didn't need to though Hinata instantly lurched at Tsukkishima for me. How could I say he didn't know me when he's stood in front of me defending me when I can't find the words. He turns and looks up at me smiling, he wasn't glowing like usual his smile was fake and it all looked so wrong and poisoned. I guess I really managed to push him away, I'm alone again.

Hinata's POV

When Kageyama and I had the explosive argument on the rooftop of school i hadn't been prepared for Kageyama's harsh words, they truly scared me to the core. I thought I knew him very well, I thought we were close friends. I guess not.

After he stormed off leaving me weak on the bleak roof I had an overwhelming sense of fear that bubbled over filling my head and body with and intense burning feeling, his bitter pheromones still clouded over me telling me of the pain he felt and refused to show. I sent panicked messages for them to remain unread gathering up in my chat, eventually I stopped sending more messages. I hadn't smelt the warm inviting smell of cinnamon and cloves of him for weeks, I found myself craving his addictive scent like I needed it to breathe. Contact between Kageyama and everyone stopped, he wasn't in lessons and was skipping volleyball practice. No one was there to call me stupid names, no one was there to defend me when alphas hit on me. I really missed him, so much so my body felt feverish and I got sick. I was told this can happen between close or mated alphas and omegas, I really needed him like was my alpha.

when he first came back to school he still smelt of grief and wore that horrid blank face, the hope I'd felt when I first saw him back drained immediately when I saw his sweet face contorted in an unknown feeling. It was sickening to see him like this, I guess he really needed the time off. The others bombarded him with questions, Tanaka and Nishinoya were all over him asking question after question accusingly. Daichi walked over barking at the two to leave Kageyama alone, "we heard you were sick how are you feeling now?" he whispered to Kageyama not particularly quietly. They began a hushed conversation standing stationary in the clubroom whilst other members trickled onto the court ready to play. Noya dragged me out the clubroom by my arm desperate to show me a new receive he'd come up with. I watched as Kageyama silently conversed with Daichi, his brows furrowing deeply together as he spoke. 

We had all accepted our loss at the inter high prelims and were working hard to push ourselves further, Kageyama on the other hand hadn't changed at all. We hardly communicated and if we did it was during a match, our team work suffered and the quick attacks we worked so hard on became sloppy and clumsy. We were no longer friends, I guess he just never was my friend. 

Kageyamas POV

After seeing Hinata's fake smile and hesitancy directed at me I knew he wanted nothing to do with me anymore, so I left him alone. I only spoke with him out of necessity to avoid bothering him, I sat by myself at break and lunch times and stopped going out to do anything other than go to school or the supermarket. My tosses were getting worse and worse,  I found myself being benched frequently. It was so hard not to run back to hinata, the memories of him listening to me honey eyes intensely fixed on mine and his blazing smile made it so hard to forget him. I was running from my one true source of comfort, shattering my heart a little more with each step I took away from him. The days blurred into the same monotonous routine passing me by endlessly, everything seemed so meaningless without Hinata by my side brightening my life. I thought that I could protect my heart by pretending I never even had one. 

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