Chapter 19 (Past)

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Aayansh's P.O.V.

I know I shouldn't have had come. The address Sameera gave me was of this fancy restaurant which I definitely can't afford.

What is Sameera trying to do? Why did she ask me whether I like her or not? Why did I say yes? I should have denied her. Why did she ask me to come to this place? I should have denied to come as well.

But here I am right now sitting here with Sameera Oberoi in this restaurant I can only dream of.

"Your order Sir?" The waiter asked again when I didn't reply the first time he asked me.

My eyes directly went to the right side fo the menu.

Everything is so expensive. From a cup of coffee to the main dishes.

"You may order for the both of us." I asked Sameera. It's better if she orders whatever she wants to eat. It can be worse for me, because she may choose the dishes which are more expensive than the others but I don't want to look cheap by ordering myself. Because I know, if I do it, I am definitely gonna order the cheapest ones.

But, I think asking her to order was even a worse idea. She chose the most expensive one.

"Ayan, do you want something to drink?" Sameera asked in between.

"A watermelon juice." I answered.

She chuckled then told the waiter, "And two watermelon juice."

"I was asking for cocktails but anyway, I like watermelon juice."

Umm... I didn't think of that. This date or whatever it is, is a wrong idea. I shouldn't be here. I don't belong here.

"Watermelon juice is my favourite!" I told her.


After that there was awkward silence. Both of us didn't know what to talk about. Normally we would fight a lot, but today things are different. Today she knows about my feelings and I don't know what I am doing here.

We had our dinner in silence. It was awkward. I could see her awkwardness clearly and that was making me more awkward.

After we were done, the waiter gave us the bill. I was taking out my card, when Sameera stopped me.

"It's fine. I will pay." She said.

"No no, let me"

"Ayan, it's fine! You should save that money, because I want compensation for my broken phone."

He phone, right. She hasn't forgotten that.

It is definitely gonna take me around two years to buy her the exact same one.

After she paid the bill, we left.

While we were walking towards the parking, I asked her, "Why did you ask me to come?"

"Are you dumb?"


"It was a date!"

"A what?"

"Are you deaf?"

"Why are we on a date?"

I am pretty sure dates aren't like this.

"You are really a fool! Didn't you tell me yourself that u like me?"

"Yes I did!"


"So do you like me?" I asked her.

Wrong question. Ofcourse she doesn't. But why are we here then!

"You are....not bad!" She said. I chuckled at that.

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