Chapter 32

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Aayansh's P.O.V.

I woke up and went to see if Kavya woke up since I wanted to ask her about this Dhruv she was talking about yesterday. But of course she's still sleeping. So, I got ready and left for work.

The moment I was leaving my mom started complaining that I work a lot.

"Mom if I don't work who will take care of you." I said her lovingly before leaving.

I went to the main office to complete some important works after which around noon I came to Singhania Studios.

I immediately went inside Kavya's cabin and saw Kavya and Sameera working on Kavya's fashion show.

I decided not to disturb them and went in my own cabin.

After they were done I sent Rajan to call Sameera. After almost fifteen minutes there was a knock on my door.

"Enter!" I ordered. "When you are being asked to come that means you are being asked to come immediately. You are fifteen minutes late Sameera Ahuja." I shouted without even looking away from my files. I don't need to look to know who it is. Or maybe it's not required in Sameera's case. The sound of her heels is enough to guess that it's her.

"You know what if you can't wait for me you should send for me before fifteen minutes. I don't like leaving my work in between for anyone."

Ofcoarse I can't wait. Isn't it the only thing I have been doing ever since I came here.

"It won't be needed any longer because luckily I won't have to waste anymore time on you. Kavya told me what happened today and since you earlier asked me to make a final decision, I have made one. You are leaving! I can't lose such a big deal for someone like you! Here is your termination letter. You are fired!" The sadness was clear on her face. I know she didn't expect that I would fire her. But I guess she has not left me with any other option.

"How can you do this? You didn't want to fire me earlier."

"I told you I can't bear to lose such a big deal for someone like you!" I informed her once more.

"What do you mean by someone like me?" She asked not with the same attitude with which she would ask me at all other times. There was sadness and defeat on her face.

"Someone who doesn't have work ethics, who doesn't respects her boss, who is rude, stubborn, has too much attitude, pokes her head in matters that doesn't concern her, wasted my time and the company's resources and thousand and one more things like this which I don't have time to enlist now!" I felt bad saying all of these things to her when I know she already is hurting a lot.

"I am not stubborn! Not anymore!" She exclaimed and left my office taking the termination letter with her. Out of all the things I accussed her of, she only cared to comment at being stubborn. Something really is going on in her mind and I want to know what!

I don't know why I am so interested in knowing about her personal life but I can't stop myself.

Sameera's P.O.V.

I can't believe I am fired. I always thought Aayansh would never fire me. What happened suddenly? Till yesterday he had no plans of firing me. Everything was fine. This made me cry even more. Maybe he just realised I am worthless and I don't deserve this job or maybe the deal is more important to Aayansh. Ofcourse the deal would be more important to him.

I reached my table and started packing my things. Now this table would be someone else's. Just before I finished everything, I felt someone's presence around me. I looked around and saw Aayansh looking at me or rather staring at me while I packed my things.

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