chapter 27

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Ying ye didn't know what say so he remained quiet.

"You know Ying ye, I really despise really like you because you people has a normal troubles you can walk away from a toxic life, and hold up for justice and all that be the hero, but for me you weren't a hero you were only the Initiator, I didn't tell you then but I will tell you now, the last time before we were cut off" Liu Qiao paused then breathe. "You remember how you fought with Cheng Tao and injured him do you know what happened to me?, I loss a child that day I was beaten nearly half to death Cheng Tao had kicked me in the stomach so much that I had to stay in the hospital for a month, and when I needed you to open your mouth and to talk for me you weren't there, so your always there when the villain is but what about society, I hate heroes really they cause more damage than helping, so right now I'm going to cut you off" Liu Qiao said.

Ying ye was shocked.


"It's not you really it just feels like a step I should take so please the next time you see me we are strangers, I have a daughter my husband is in a coma from a car crash it was an accident that's it, you don't know me I don't know you" Liu Qiao said. "So ying ye be a hero for someone else not me, cause I don't need one I truly despise them" Liu Qiao got up and pushed the stroller.

Liu Qiao appreciated ying ye for trying to help him but he couldn't be friends with him anymore he needed a fresh start.

Ying ye was sad that he had lost his important friend it seems there was no repairing this relationship and Liu Qiao was no longer the person he once knew, could it that he was the reason why Cheng Tao ended up in a coma was they arguing about him, he really had messed up this time.

He entered the baby store and order a lots of things then send it from a different villa from the one he knew Liu Qiao wasn't gonna return to that place, it held too much painful memories.

He heard small baby moaning he looked down to see the angel waking

He heard small baby moaning he looked down to see the angel waking

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Everyone back away that baby is mine UNDERSTAND!

"Your awake?" He asked

He picked her up suddenly she slowly began to cry.

"Are you hungry?"

Liu Qiao went to the kitchen to make her milk but ended up at the wrong room, he forgot this wasn't the mansion it was good thing there was a map on each wall.

He looked at it, it was hard to focus when the baby was bawling her eyes out she was very loud and Liu Qiao hushing her didn't seems to be helping.

"Please shhhhh shhhhh I'm looking"

Liu Qiao observed the walk while shaking the crying baby, he found it and rushed to it but he forgot the formula in the hall and had to return back for it.

He looked at the instructions on what to do he put the baby in the stroller leaving her their to cry while in a panicking, Liu Qiao was nervous and fidgety he didn't know anything about a baby.

So it was hard to focus as he walked about he poured the water on the formula in the bottle then shake it, he put it to cool as he tries to hushed the baby.

"Please a little more while until it's ready" he said trying to hush her.

He took the bottle out of the water and tip it on the back of his hand still too hot he put it back still pacing around the kitchen to try and the wailing baby.

Her face was already red and swelling the baby was very loud and the way her face was red and swelling it made him so nervous.

Soon the formula was a the right temperature and he finally fed her as she quickly drink the formula, the baby was drinking so fast Liu Qiao didn't bother to stop her until she choked on the formula Liu Qiao was startled he quickly stopped.

The baby quickly cried once more at being choked.

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