04- Girlfriend?

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(Before Bella came to town)
The next day, I find myself sitting in the cafeteria trying to focus on the conversation at hand, but all I can seem to focus on is why the Cullens talk to me.

Why are they ok with me, but not everyone else? Is it in their genes or something that makes them all seem to like me and no one else AND speaking of genes why are they so transparently white skinned and why do they all have those wild ey-

"Leah, hellooo?" I shake my head as I hear Angela try to get my attention

"Just let her dream, her head is probably in the clouds making up a fantasy about the Cullen that looks in pain" Jessica says and that makes me tilt my head

"He has a name you know!" Everyone stops chuckling and looks at me "I..I mean his names Jasper"

It's silent for a second before Mike pats me on the back
"Seems our Arizona innocent has got herself a boyfriend" He teases and I whack the back of his head as he grabs it in pain

"No I don't! He's just my history partner" I say

"But you didn't deny day dreaming about himmmm"

"Jess, you're really starting to annoy me now, I do not have a crush" I defend as I hold my head in my hands in embarrassment

"Whatever you say L, whatever you say"


Finally!!! Last period and about time too!

Sitting in my seat in the class I glance to my side as I tightly smile at Jasper as the teacher starts droning on about nothing.

She says something about spending the rest of the hour planning our projects, but I don't really listen.

Suddenly, all eyes get pulled to the classes door and the principal walks in with a student I don't remember seeing before, but clearly Jasper does as I see his smile for a second as they make eye contact.

She looks ok... I mean there is not much to look at, but her hair is nice... and her eyes are pretty and she looks like a nice person and-

Oh who am I kidding she looks gorgeous. And that pisses me off, because i can't be mad at Jasper for looking at her like that.

Who am I kidding that's probably his girlfriend or something.

She comes and takes a seat next to our table, on the left side of Jasper and he smiles, warmly.

"You don't have this class, Alice" He says as he grits his teeth slightly

"I transferred" She says simply

"And I wonder why that is" He mutters, but we both still hear him as he sits back in defeat

"Now, Now Jaz, I have someone that I desperately would like to meet" She says as she leans over him. God, she even has a cute nickname for him.

I feel myself slightly sulking the more she looks at him, but I tell myself not to be stupid, of cause he would have a girlfriend, I mean look at him!

As Jessica says, they look like... well Gods

Then I remember that the girl has lent over and I snap myself out of it

"Hi, my names Alice" She says as she shakes my hand and I smile "You must be Leah Swan?" She asks and I nod

"How did you know?" I ask

"Lucky guess?" She says, but it comes off as more of a question as she smiles, warmly "I've been wanting to meet you for a while, but I knew I would be seeing you sooner then I expected" She says, almost as if she's telling me that she can predict the future.

Suddenly, I feel a wave of calm wash over me and I feel a little better.

"You must be Jaspers girlfriend?" I say and they glance at each other before they laugh and I sit there, confused

"No, I'm his sort of sister" She says and I sigh internally "Don't worry, he's all yours" She says and I look away, embarrassed, but also a little relieved

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