a deal is a deal

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Tac name [Stryker]
Assignment [follow orders]
Payment [paid up-front]
Time [2200]

Operation [Leash]

In the freezing night, the battalion of men traveled through the lush forrest. passing their designated waypoints while an armored vehicle stood close by which was carrying more men on top it. They moved quietly and the only noise heard was the clicking and banging of their gear,

They came to a halt and a curious Soldier stuck his head up, a helmet with a red stripe and worn out goggles, holding an AK-12 fitted with a suppressor mounting himself on a small boulder while he looks on into the distance

"Atleast its not fucking winter." He muttered, tossing a snuffed out cigarettes into the ground, another shortly approches while he scrambles through a case file

"It said that this is the place," he nudged at the soldier infront of him,


"Phew.. Zz..zz this radio on? Anyways, this is mercenary group: 'Dustorm Company' we're with Colovisk! CPF! Tac name, Stryker! and We're approaching the rendezvous point check your fire over," Stryker exclaimed through the radio, he gave a clear to his fellow men and they all went down the hill approaching the outpost, the bright spotlight blinded them and suddenly, a bullet wizzes past them, bouncing off the armored vehicle and disappearing into the darkness,

"BLUE YOU FUCKING RETARD! BLUE ON BLUE! CEASE FIRE!" Stryker yelled while lobbing a rock into one of the guard towers

"You guys didn't tell us how to identify you all heh-" the guard chuckled as he lowered his rifle, the soldiers clamed down and a moment later the gate swung open, letting them in.

"Yo Dom, you sure we're not gonna die this time?" One of the soldiers in his squad whispered silently, Stryker just shrugged while continuing to walk straight

"Still not sure bud. Also stop calling me by my real name in the fields.." stryker sighs

"Alright fuck yourself" he smirked while jokingly knocking him back with his elbows, Stryker gave him a middle finger as always and continues with his business

"Damn you rocker- ugh, he's GOING to get something cut off from his pay, always. Speaking of pay, Folke told us it's going to be paid upfront, fuck you i guess but hey! He never lies and he's not that bad for a contractor..."

A man dressed in military attier greeted them "morning mercs," he scoffed,

"..But its like mid night you cock!" A distance voice yelled, presumably from one of the men. The man ignored the comments and introduces himself

"I am brigadier General Barker and i will be in charge of this joint operation and you mercs, 'Dustorm Company' will be supporting the task forces in their mission."

The general briefed them all.

"Aye." Stryker responds scratching his head since he is very sensitive to dogshit, everyone waited at the camp awaiting further order just like what their assignment said, Stryker stood still while trying to warm himself up from the freezing cold of the night, When suddenly a squad of G&K lads bumped into him

"Ow- who the hell is this?" What he assumed to be the squad leader curses, 3 other soldiers stood besides them while they looked on at Stryker

"Oh it's supposed to be one of the mercs we hired," a grey haired soldier with a camo cap exclaimed

"Yeah no shit clover, now. Big boy general wants us there ASAP. Lets not waste our time"


The squadron left him behind standing like an idiot, "whatts bunch of assholes..." He muttered under his breath, he squinted his eyes and went straight for the campfire. surprisingly there were noone there, leaving the spot empty, "okay to be selfish at times, haha.." He thought to himself, he started to clean his sidearm, a Glock 18 with a fancy new laser sight. He inspected the weapon for a bit before he noticed a couple footsteps behind him, he turned back to see a woman standing behind him.

"That's surprising.." she uttered

"I'd expect you to be completely oblivious. Near campfires, it'll seem dark around it and paired it with nightime it'll be very difficult for human eyes to see anything, Yet you could notcied me." The woman scoffed at Stryker who was staying silence. He continued to clean his firearms before look up at her

"Who are you anyways," said Stryker holstering his Pistol.

"Why would you want to know?"

Stryker just stared with a blank and tired face,

"ngh.. T-Doll, Unit: UMP-45." She boldy exclaimed, Stryker's eyebrows raised up as he heard the woman claims to be a T-doll! From the attires to the top-quality gears he was convinced.

"That's so? Well pleasure to work with you all, you could call me anything really i dont care." With a dead-tone voice he called out and offered a hand for a handshake between the two.

"UMP-45!~ over here!~" a voice called out for her, she looked towards stryker for a moment and then she simply turned her back against him leaving him as she walked off, "I have worse clients than this, I have worse clients than this, I have-" he repeatedly mumbled to himself while clutching his hands,. He picks up a small pebble and looked towards her,

Meanwhile, UMP-45 made her way to the way where the voice called out when she felt a thud on the back of the head, "Tch!-" she bashfully snapped back at Stryker who was squatting on the campfire, while Stryker looked back with a smug smirk on his face at the pissed off T-Doll, UMP-45 grabbed him from the colar and before she barrates him, she was interrupted by stryker

"Hey! Keep it professional will ya?" he remarked with a sly smirk, UMP-45 Then shoved him aside giving him a death stare,

"Know your fucking place.." she muttered.

Stryker then just stood still while watching UMP-45 storms off angrily as she kicked a poor innocent bucket out of the way. "Jesus" Stryker remarked seeing the agressive behavior of this T-doll

"-sigh- even if i want to complain anyway.. its us that wanted the job anyways, a deal is a deal.. and folke better be doubling my fucking pay."

He snoozes off while leaning on a barrel, wondering when he and the others are going to see some action, he wasn't planning to be treated like a dog on a leash for long.

"Fuck me... Goddamn-" he groaned as he tried to rest, his sore body made it difficult for him to do anything, he closes his eyes trying to get a bit of sleep knowing that he doesn't have nuch time...


UMP45 storms into the building suprising her sister, UMP9 who was wondering around with the file cases and documents,

"Hey.. what got you so riled up?" UMP9 asks her sister, UMP45 simply scoffed and leant on a piece of wall

"Is it those mercs?~" she taunted

After she was met with silence UMP9 simply smirked "well ofcourse it is,"

"I know UMP45 sis has bad expirience when it comes to other private military guys but that doesn't mean hating all of them.. not to mention that we really needed more manpower!"

"-sigh- you're right, and the hiring of them came from the commander himself, he has been silent for awhile you know?" UMP45 finally talked

"Hmh... Yup, correct.."

UMP9 fidgets with her fingers before wondering out a window, she saw someone, sleeping while using a barrel as something to lean on

"Poor guy, we're sleeping on a war shelter while everyone are literally sleeping on the floor.." she muttered sadly, UMP45 paid no attention to this and just shrugged it off

"Well 9 be ready for tomorrow, DON'T be sloppy." UMP45 said

UMP9 smiles as nodded and exits the building. UMP45 just stared out from the window with her thoughts just for herself and the cold breeze blowing across....

To be continued

Girl's Frontline: Guns for Hire [male OC x UMP45]Where stories live. Discover now