Operation Flocker

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Operation flocker

Stryker was woken up by the sounda of rushing footsteps outside the firing range, he quickly got up on his foot and slammed the door opened, seeing his squadmates walked along the halls, "the hell?..." stryker stumbled out of the room and followed them, he quickens his pace before catching up with the rest

"Fuck- dont sneak up like that!" Kurtz jolted up seeing stryker besides him.

"I was literally running." Stryker shrugged, norman then pats him in the back and wishes him good luck, "hey, good luck yeah?" Stryker nodded giving him a thumbs up, clover smiles at the bros as they walked along.

They arrived at a briefing room where barker was there with rocker sitting on a chair in the corner, "hey, strykers. I- uh, Didnt.. -yawn-" rocker mumbles, struggling to keep himself awake, "phuh.." stryker scoffed seeing his poor friend.

"Sorry for the interruption lads."

Everyone sat down on the briefing table as barker throws in the recon photographs, sliding across the table for the Stake squadron to see. A projector turns on and barker briefs them on their mission.

[G&K Field Control Terminal]

I am sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep but its urgent, thanks to the reconisance provides by our CPF comrades, we have found out that "bravo picnic" is in fact, the real deal.

Everyone takes a look at the photographs to see soldiers and defensive placements all over the town, "they're occupying a town?" Stryker said, picking up a sheet of picture whilst inspecting it

"Tch. They're using the civvies as meatshields" kurtz snaps back, clutching his fist with an angered look on his face.

"We couldnt bomb the shit out of them then." Clover sighed

Now, we are not here for their heads. We're here for a specific thing, an intel on the enemy WMD--

Everyone's eyes widened as they heard what the general said.

"Just like monday, WMDs and fucking terrorists!" Stryker sarcastically said, throwing his hand up in the air that ended up slapping kurtz in the face. "Fuck-"

It is believed that one of the heavy hitters are stationed at bravo, and they know the secretive information, we have suspected one of these Group of Interest has possesed an array of S-78V "hound dog" intercontinental ballistic missiles at their disposal

"ICF's one of them." Stryker answered

Right, the plan is simple. Phython company will be entering through the front, causing a huge distraction by detonating explosives, drawing a huge portion of them away from entry point alpha. Where Squadron STAKE and the 404ths will make their entrance, the stakes will be entering through point A, through the woods and the 404th will be following the pipelines along the way, entering from the sewers.



"Loud and clear.

Good.. good.. you have a little bit of spare time, Use it to prep or rest. Good high good lows, good luck.

Everyone stood up and left the room, everyone left and preps up for the operation, stryker was left behind alone as he stood still on the hallway, before his attention was grabbed by the murmur of someone besides him

"They cant just send her in like that! It's.. I'm- no... she's.."

Suddenly, UMP9 bumped into Stryker, she bounced back as she hit a wall, "eh- ack!" Stryker instantly recognizes her as the girl who's with UMP45, "oof.. sorry, didnt see you"

Girl's Frontline: Guns for Hire [male OC x UMP45]Where stories live. Discover now