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(n.) secret, mysterious;
  understood by only a few


3 years later-

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3 years later-

"We have to get out of this place somehow." the seven year old girl said to the boy next to her.

She had her head in the eight year old's lap while thinking about some way to escape the place as the boy was running his bruised dainty fingers through her hair.

A gunshot was heard from the next cell followed by an ear piercing scream. 

This was not new to the them. Almost every week, three people were brutally killed after years of torture.

"29 minus 1." the girl muttered as she turned her body and buried her face in the boy's  stomach while he tightened his arms around her.

When they were first brought in here, there were around 600 people and now only 28 were left.

"They're just innocent people. They haven't even done anything wrong. How could they be so heartless?" she voiced with her heart hurting for them, wishing for their souls to rest in peace.

The young boy had no answer to her question.

"We'll get out of here." the boy promised kissing her forehead.

With a new hope, the girl turned to face him and opened her chocolate eyes, "Promise?" she asked with shining hopeful eyes, extending her pinky finger towards him.

Interlocking their fingers, he replied, "Promise." 

They placed a kiss on their connected fingers to seal their words, a tradition they followed every time.

A small smile rested on his face as he looked at the serene face of the sleeping young girl in his arms.

Next Day

"Rosie! Wake up!" the young boy shook the girl sleeping in his lap, using one of the many endearments he had for her.

Grunting, the girl moved only to find a more comfortable position to sleep.

"Shut up, let me sleep." she whined which came out muffled due to her face being pressed on his stomach and sounded more like, 'shush uph, lemme sweeph'.

"Ugh, Rosie wake up! I have a plan to escape!" the boy whisper exclaimed.

Hearing this, the girl shot up.

"I'm up! I'm up! What's the plan?" she asked the last part quietly lessening the likelihood of someone hearing them.

"I heard a man talking to someone on a phone. Looks like he is a traitor. He said something along the lines of this building being attacked today. He was talking to his boss. From the bars, I could see a green dragon tattoo on him, so he was probably a Chinese too but not from a mafia, a small gang who wants to takeover the Chinese Mafia. They will most certainly not come to save us but while this building would be under attack, we can run and release all the others too." he explained.

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