thirty three

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My eyes widened at the revelation

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My eyes widened at the revelation. 

"What does it say?" Rian asked. 

I sighed and averted my eyes from the screen, "Did you ask about who sold me to them?" I asked them, and when they nodded I said, "It says- 'She wasn't sold by her father'" Their eyes widened at this and papa released an inaudible sigh of relief. 

"You weren't sold by your father." Rian repeated looking down at his hands. Just then, a knock on the door alerted all of us. But the knocking pattern was familiar to me. I had taught Izan to use the pattern to knock at my door to alert me that it was him. I stood up and opened the door, letting Izan inside. 

"What's going on?" Izan asked looking at my sulking siblings. 

"If your biological father didn't sell you, that means he is not the bad guy." Rian murmured loud enough for us to hear. Looking up at me, his sad eyes went even sadder as he continued, "Does that mean you will forgive him for something he technically never did wrong? And you won't come back with us?" 

I did not have an answer to that except assuring him that I loved only them as my real family but knowing the truth, my heart had two difficult paths to choose from. 

Thankfully papa diverted, "That's not a matter of concern anymore. What now concerns us is that we have to find the real culprit because unlike Azrael, she wasn't kidnapped." 

Another knock resonated through the room. Who could it be now? We looked at each other and shrugged. 

Papa stood up and went to open the door, careful of the opening. "Hello. Can I have a word?" Laura, the grandmother said. 


Pavel looked at me and quickly dragged me gently to the closet. Raif made sure Laura was stood outside, unable to see us. 

Izan was locked shut inside the same closet. Although Spanish and Russian mafia knew each other, it was not made obvious that we were extremely close.

"My children are inside. Come in." I heard papa say. 

"Hello. I am Laura, the former Donna." she said in a steady but stern voice I didn't know she was capable off. She seemed too sweet when she was with me. 

"I trust you Maxim." her words held an underlying meaning, "Shall I continue here?" she asked politely. 

Papa hesitated but nodded, leading her on the couch in the room. I could see them through the little slit in the closet. 

"Maxim, I do not wish to bring up the topic we've been avoiding since long, but can I ask you something?" Laura asked gingerly. Wait, did papa know her from before? 

"How do you know my granddaughter, Astrea?" her voice went rigid.

"I do not wish to beat around the bush Maxim. I wasn't the Donna for nothing." Papa nodded and sighed. 

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