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"Willow, I- woah!"

    I shoot up in my bed at the sound of Emily's voice. Seth groans and stirs behind me but doesn't rise, just tightens where he's holding around my waist. "Oh, no."

"Seth!" she yells. He groans again but still doesn't get up. "What are you guys doing?"

    "We were sleeping, but now I'm freaking out and wishing Seth wasn't such a deep sleeper so I could have some backup here," I say. Emily rolls her eyes and picks up a pillow from near the door, tossing as hard as she can at Seth's head. That gets him up. Three feet up, actually. He almost knocks me out with his own head as he jumps in surprise. "There we go."

"Seth, why are you in Willow's room? And her bed?"

"I was asleep!" he says indignantly. I bite back a grin at his whiny tone. "We were having a great sleep, until you came in here, yelling at us and throwing things!"

"It's my house, I can throw whatever I please."

Seth groans another time and flops back down on my pillow. "We're in so much trouble, aren't we?"

"Does your mother know you're here?"


"Then yes, you're in a world of trouble. I'm not mad you're here - I'm a little worried, honestly - but Sue is going to kill you when she finds out. And you have to tell her. Because if you don't, I will."

    "I don't wanna."

I flush and look at my quilt. "Why aren't you mad?"

    "Because, as an imprint myself, I understand why you're sleeping in the same room. I won't stop what the universe already spurred into motion, but I will make sure everyone who needs to know does. And that means telling your mother, Seth Clearwater."

    "She's gonna ground me from seeing Willow!"

"That's highly doubtful. She understands the whole imprinting thing."

"Is she not gonna like me anymore?" I ask earnestly. Sue is one of the few people I would worry about having a bad opinion on me. Emily sighs and shakes her head.

    "No, she'll still like you. But the longer your other half here takes to tell her, the worse punishment he's going to get," she responds as she chucks another pillow at him. He catches it and tucks it over his face. "So you better get your butts out of bed and get moving before Sam comes in here."

    Seth jumps up again and almost shoves me off the bed in an attempt to get us up. I just barely stand up before I'd have been sent flying to the ground as he lands on his feet and runs out. "Sam's that scary?"

"I love my fiancé very much, but yes."

I smile and begin re-folding my blankets. "Sorry we didn't tell you. It was irresponsible and we don't have to keep doing it."

    "If Sue says it's fine, it's fine. I just need her to know where Seth is. Imagine my panic if you weren't in your bed in the morning."

    I stop what I'm doing and stare at the wall. "You'd care that much?"

    She comes up behind me and puts her hand on my shoulder. "Of course I do. I want you to be safe and happy just as much as I want the pack to be safe and happy. After all, you're the source of happiness for one of them. And me. So yes, I care that much."

PROMISE - S. CLEARWATERWhere stories live. Discover now