Chapter three

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How was he here and alive? She had to run but couldn't move, Y/N's legs wouldn't move and she still felt dizzy.
'How are you here, you're dead!', she asked shakily.

'Dead?', he questioned 'I haven't heard that one before, I'm pretty alive. I'm just wearing a mask, I'm not a ghost or anything'. He seemed to find the idea of being a ghost funny. What was going on? The Sally Face killer was put to death in 2004, when he was a grown adult, but this guy wasn't older than 18. It was probably best not to accuse him of being a mass murderer yet she thought.

'S-sorry for screaming at you, I was just shocked', she tried to ask in a more calm manner.

'No worries, it isn't the first time I've scared the shit out of someone', he laughed 'let's start over I'm Sal, but my friends call me Sally Face', he reached out his hand to help her up.

Shit, it really was the Sally Face, but how? It was impossible. Trying not to freak out and piss off a possible killer she reached up her hand and replied 'I'm Y/N, nice to meet you'. She dusted herself off and looked around. She was a few streets down from the church she passed out in. Everything seemed off, it was familiar but somehow slightly different than it should have been. Uncanny.

'I'm sorry but I've got to go, see you around Y/N', his mask lifted slightly as he smiled then walked towards the High School.

Y/N waved as he walked away. That was freaky as hell. She took out her phone to check the time, her phone must have been glitching as apparently it was 1992. Y/N felt too shaken to go to high school and made her way towards home. As she got closer and closer to her street, it seemed more strange. Buildings were ... missing? She started running, first she passes out in a creepy basement, wakes up to a famous killer heading to high school then buildings are straight up disappearing. Y/N arrived at what should have been her street but, it was just a building site. She felt herself shaking. What was going on? Her eyes pricked with tears, everything was too confusing. She began to wander, looking for anything that made sense which was when she saw him. Something that shocked her more than The Sally Face. Her dad! But he was young and was walking with his dead father and brother. She almost passed out all over again. They were walking towards the church, Y/N decided to follow them, what's the worst that could happen?

The church was open again, it looked well looked after, it was strange to see. Maybe her phone wasn't glitching, what if it was actually 1992? It would make sense, how else would Sally Face be walking around free and her dad and dead relatives be in church without a care in the world. She wondered into the church, she couldn't see her dad or his brother anymore but her granddad was at the front of the pews. She sat down, not sure what else to do. Before she knew it, she'd fallen asleep - not realising how tired the stress had made her.

She woke up to her granddad sat by her. 'Hey kid, shouldn't you be in school', he gave her a stern but kind look. He wasn't like she had imaged him to be, her dad always spoke of him coldly. She didn't know how to reply. 'Shy huh? How about introductions first then, I'm Kenneth Phelps, I'm the pastor.' He reached out his hand to shake hers. Hoping she wasn't breaking some rule of time travel she shook it.

'I'm Y/N', she said timidly.

'So Y/N, school?'

'I don't go to school here', she was unsure what else to say.

'Shouldn't you be at home then, instead of sleeping on these uncomfortable pews', he raised one eyebrow. Y/N was silent. What could she say? You see sir I do actually go to school here, but I'm not actually born yet. You're my grandad by the way but i don't know you well because you die when I'm 2. Not crazy at all. 'I think I see what's going on', he said. Y/N seriously doubted that. 'Come with me'.

Y/N didn't know where he was taking her but anything was better than whatever was currently happening. He led her into an office. 'Take a seat', he said. The room was bland, walls painted yellow and fading. There was two pictures on his desk, one of her uncle - Travis she believed his name was and one of her dad.

'So, Y/N correct?', he said as he began to write on a form.

'Yes sir that's correct', she answered.

'We have a program to help kids on the street here. We'll enrol you in school, give you a job and a place to stay, sound good?'.

This was too good to be true. She should think it over but what else could she do? It was her only option and a pretty good one so she agreed without question. Kenneth explained more, she would be working in the church, enrolled at Nockfell high and given an apartment in Addison apartments with the first three months of rent paid for. It was easy to do since she was 18 and legally allowed to live on her own. Y/N filled out the forms, thanked Kenneth and made her way out the door.

Waiting outside the office was Travis. He gave her a dirty look. 'What's your problem?', she questioned, at the end of her tether.

'Nice to see there's more trash around this town', he sneered. What on earth. Her uncle had issues. Before she could respond she heard a dull thud. There was a mark on Travis' face and he stood eyes glued to the floor. Kenneth was stood at the doorway. No wonder her dad spoke the way he did about Kenneth.

'Travis, office', he said calmly, as if he hadn't just abused his son in front of a stranger. 'Have fun at school Y/N, your first shift here is on Saturday, just come to my office at 10am and here', he handed over an envelope, 'this has apartment info, just go to the door with Addison on the door and put it through, everything will be sorted.'. With that he closed the door with him and Travis inside. 'Psycho', Y/N thought as she left to her new home.

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