Chapter five

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Sorry for the way late update. Been very busy with Uni :(

The apartment was spacious. It had faded yellow wallpaper covering the walls and a musty green carpet. Yellow walls seemed to be a favourite in this year.

There was a brown sofa in the living room and an old coffee table. Y/N was grateful to have any furniture at all. She explored each room inquisitively. There were two bedrooms and a bathroom. The bedrooms were both the same so she just picked the one closest to the door to be hers.

Hopefully her job at the church paid okay so she would be able to decorate it, she thought passingly. But then it hit her. Why did she even want to decorate it? she should be focusing on why she was even in 1992. More importantly she should be figuring out how to even get back. If she can get to 1992 there had to be a way to get back to 2021. But while she figured that out, she needed things. Clothes for one.

While she was stood in thought, there was a gentle knocking at the door. She opened it to see Sal standing there - he looked kind of nervous to see her.

'Hey Y/N, Mr Addison just rang me since i'm right next door to you. He forgot to give you something while you were speaking to him.'

'Oh okay, thank you for telling me', she smiled warmly at him.

But why was she smiling at him, she should be terrified - acting cold towards him. She should be having some sort of negative reaction! But he was so nice. He had such a chill and friendly vibe about him. How would this sweet boy ever conduct a massacre?

'Want me to come with? I could introduce you to my friends after?', He asked.

His friends? the ones he's destined to kill? From the stories she'd heard from Sally faces perspective they seemed like a great bunch. In court he had told all sorts of stories about their adventures. It couldn't hurt to meet them.

'Of course! I'd love to', she smiled at him.

'So are you going to Nockfell high?', Sal asked.

'Yep, I'll be starting on monday'

'Nice! You can hang out with me and the gang. Hopefully you'll have classes with us'

'That'd be great! It'll be nice to actually know people'

Even if half the people will be dead in a few years, Y/N thought to herself.

They chatted more about school until they got to Addison's place. Y/N knocked on the door softly. Yet again, the letterbox opened.

'Ah yes Y/N again and hello there Sal, Y/N i forgot to give you this'. The letterbox closed then swiftly reopened. Out came an envelope.

'In there is  your pay from the first week of the church in advance'

'Oh, thank you!', Y/N said taking the envelope.

'No problem. See you later young Y/N, goodbye Sal'. With that the letterbox slammed closed.

'Pay from the church?', Sal questioned.

'Yeah i'm going to be working there, pastor Phelps got me my apartment here too.'

'Oh. interesting', Sal clearly had more questions but was too polite to ask.

'Thank god for this, all i have is the clothes on my back', Y/N laughed.

'Seriously?! Let me call Ash, she'll be over the moon for a shopping trip'

Ash? Ashley Campbell? The town crazy?

Y/N was almost excited to see what she was like in this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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