Chapter 7

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Megan Watson's POV

One Direction want to have a sleepover with me.

"YES! YES! YES! Megan, please," Delilah begs, pouting.

"But, Delilah," I sigh and look at the boys who are waiting for my answer, "Fine." They cheer. "But we have no stuff."

"Get them," says Louis simply.

"I'll go with you," both Harry and Liam say at the same time.

"No," Louis chuckles, "You two lovestruck lads can stay at the flat."

I laugh as Harry looks at the ground and Liam laughs lightly saying, "I'm not lovestruck, I was just offering help."

"Niall and I will go to your hotel with you," Louis informs me, and Niall's face lights up for a moment before he hides it, "And Zayn, you just do whatever."

Zayn fakes hurt as Delilah giggles.

"Okay, see you guys later then?" Niall says. Zayn, Harry and Liam nod and Delilah, Louis, Niall and I walk out of Disney and into where Niall's car is parked.

We get inside and begin to drive towards the hotel. Niall parks outside when we reach the hotel and we all get out. We walk wordlessly inside - the lobby is empty, apart from a receptionist who grins widely at the boys, obviously a fan - and walk up the stairs to the room Delilah and I stay in. I take the key out of my pocket and twist it in the door.

Louis immediately runs into the room and lies down on a bed, "This is so comfy!"

I start to collect my stuff for the night - which consists of my PJs, my toothbrush, my phone charger, a change of clothes and a hair bobbin - and put them into a bag.

"Er, guys?" I say to the boys who are flicking through TV channels freely, "You are paying for tonight, even though no one is staying here. You know that, right?"

Louis gasps, "Megan! Your items have feelings! Don't speak like that in front of them!"

I laugh as he 'comforts' a book I brought with me from England.

"You got everything?" asks Niall as he turns off the TV. 

"Yeah," I reply, "Delilah, do you have your stuff?"

She nods.

"Great," I smile, "Let's go."

Louis places the book he had been soothing down on the table beside the couch and walks towards the front door. We follow and walk out the door, locking it before going back out to the car. We get inside and Niall revs the engine up. Soon, we arrive at the boys apartment and Niall stops the car. We get out and Niall unlocks the door to see Harry grinning.

"We got sweets!" He exclaims happily.

"How? You were quick," comments Niall as I put my bag of stuff on the ground, Delilah doing the same.

"No, you guys were just long," Zayn says as he takes a bag of chocolate out of Harry's hand and walks into the living room.

"It's all Megan's fault!" exclaims Louis, "She didn't acknowledge her stuff!"

I bite my lip as I try not to laugh.

"Books have feelings!" Louis screams before stomping off to the living room.

"Right then," Harry murmurs as Delilah, Harry, Niall and I follow Louis into the living room. Some football game plays on the expensive looking flat screen TV.

"What are we doing first?" I ask.

"Movie marathon!" exclaims Louis.


By the end of the Hunger Games, I'm pretty tired. I look around to see everyone awake - Louis tapping away on his phone - except Delilah, who is cuddled up on a chair, snoring, and clutching a blanket.

"I guess we are going to bed now?" I ask, stretching.

"WHAT?!" Louis screeches, "No way! The night has just begun!"

I giggle as he continues, "So, first things first. I'm the host of the sleepover, since it was my idea, meaning that I get to tell you to do anything! So, I want to play truth or dare!"

"Okay," everyone agrees.

"Me first!" exclaims Louis, "Hmm.... Who to pick? LIAM!"

Liam smiles as Louis continues, "Truth or Dare?"

"Uh... dare."

"Lick my feet."

"What?" Liam's eyes widen.

"You heard me."

Liam looks at Louis in a 'you're kidding me, right?' way as Louis slips off a sock. Liam scrunches up his nose as he nears Louis' foot and touches his tongue off the middle of his foot so quickly you could barely see it happening.

Liam 'cleans' his tongue and mutters, "Glad that's over."

We chuckle. "Okay, Zayn. Truth or dare?"

"Hmm, truth? No, dare. Yeah, dare." Zayn decides.

"I dare you to prank call Simon telling him you are seeing ghosts and that they ask you to give them peanut butter," Liam dares him.

"Okay, but if he treats me weird from now on, it's your fault!" warns Zayn as he takes out his phone. He puts in a number and presses it do his ear.

"Hi, Simon? It's.. It's Zayn."

"Well, I've actually got a problem... Just, just don't judge me, okay?"

"You see, for a few weeks now, I've been seeing these... ghosts. They - they threaten me, they say they'll punish me if I don't do what they keep asking."

"To give them peanut butter. Oh, gotta go, but we'll continue this later. Okay, bye Simon." Zayn ends the call as we burst into the laughter that we had been trying to hold in during the call.

We stop laughing when we hear a shuffling from where Delilah is sitting.

"Mm, what's.. you... mmh." She murmurs before falling back asleep. We laugh quietly.

"Now, it's my turn," smirks Zayn, "Harry, truth or dare?"

"Eh, dare."

"I dare you to kiss Megan."


A/N: MAAAHHH, I seem to always do cliffhangers x) keel me if you wish ;P

What do you think Harry's gonna do? Chicken out? Only time will tell XD

So sorry for the late update, I've been busy but tonight imma right like crazy, so I will (99.999%) update on time, which is Friday.

What do you want to happen? Who do you ship? :D

thanks so much, please comment and vote!

meltedpopsicle :)

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