Chapter 28

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Megan Watson's POV

"Ugh, Harry, I don't want to go."

I hold my face in my hands.

"Why not? You wouldn't let Liam down, would you?" Harry questions.

"I don't know. No. But I wouldn't know anyone there."

"You know me, you know the rest of us. CeCe and Erica will be there. And other people..." He trails off.

"Well anyways, I hate clubs," I mutter.

"You what? Since when?" Harry asks, surprised. I look up at him from my seat on the couch.

"Since forever," I sigh.

"Why? There's no reason to. And it won't be like normal clubs, it'll be private. So there'll be no weirdos there," Harry tells me.

"Okay, okay. I'll go," I give in, taking my hands away from my face and standing up.

Harry cheers and I laugh lightly before he tells me, "Oh, and the girls will be here at six for you's to get ready, or whatever you do before a party." He shakes his head, walking out of the room.

I laugh a bit more before looking at the clock, to see it's 5:30.

"Oh, and I got a dress for you," He calls from the kitchen.

"Harry!" I groan, "No!"

He walks back into the room with his phone in hand, "No, it's nice. I promise."

"But you shouldn't spend money on me," I whine.

"Megan, you're my girlfriend."

"Well even though you shouldn't have got me a dress, thank you," I thank him before standing on my tip-toes - being shorter than him - and pecking him.

"HI!" Two voices call out of no where, and I soon around, startled, to see.... CeCe and Erica..?

They run over and attack me in a hug, me being still startled.

"Um, hi guys!" I laugh awkwardly, being the awkward person I am, before asking them, "How come you're here? Harry said you'd be here at six."

"Well, the flight here landed sooner than we expected and... Yeah! Pretty much!" Erica tells me with a laugh.

"Oh that's -" I begin before Harry bends down a bit from behind me, mumbling in my ear, "I'm going back to the flat, I'll see you later. Oh and your dress is in your kitchen." I nod and say a 'bye!', along with the Erica and CeCe, before pecking him again and he leaves my house.

Delilah and Mum went out because my Mum knew that I had Liam's party to go to tonight and that I'd want to get ready.

"Um, sorry, are we missing something?" CeCe asks us confusedly, referring to Harry and I.

"Oh... Did Louis not tell you? Or Liam?" I ask them. Erica seems to blush.

"Are you blushing?" I ask her in shock.

"Uh, no. No, I'm not." She shakes her head, unconvincingly.

"You are blushing! You're seriously blushing!" I laugh, "Because I said Liam's name? Oh my god, Erica!"

"Anyways," CeCe changes the subject, "You were saying?"

"Oh. Right," I say before smirking at Erica one last time, "Harry and I are going out."

"I KNEW IT!" Erica exclaims.

"Yeah. But seriously, no one told you guys? You didn't hear about it on the TV?" I question.

"Nope," CeCe shakes her head, "I don't like hearing gossip. Because sometimes, I'm in it."

"You..?" I murmur before remembering, "Oh my god! You and Louis are a couple! I forgot!"

She laughs, "Yeah."

"Oh my god," I mumble, "I'm sorry!"

"For what?" She asks.

"For forgetting!"

She laughs, "Don't be stupid, Megan. You don't need to be sorry."

"Oh, okay. But I'm still sorry!" I say, biting my lip before once again smirking, "It's only a matter of time before Liam and Erica get together.."

"What?!" Erica gasps, her cheeks turning red again, "Me and Liam are not going out!"

"Yet," CeCe finishes with a grin.

"No! He doesn't like me like that.." She murmurs, more to herself than us.

"Oh, yeah?" I ask her, still smirking, "Not what I've heard."

"What do you mean?" Erica asks curiously, her cheeks starting to lose colour.

"Don't tell him I told you this, but.." I pause, before saying, "Liam told me that he likes you."

"Seriously?!" She squeals happily before her eyes widen and she tries to act cool about it, "Uh. I don't believe you."

I laugh, "Erica, he told me himself."

"Oh..." She says and I see her smile to herself.

"So, do you have your clothes for tonight with you?" I ask them.

"Yeah. We do. We left them in your hall because we didn't really know what to do with them," CeCe explains.

"Okay, cool!" I smile, "I'll go get my dress from the kitchen."

They nod before I start walking into the kitchen and gasp when I see the dress Harry bought me.

It is strapless, with a small tightened and patterned part just below my chest, while from there and below it is soft flowy silk, that if I were to spin would form the shape of a circle. I love it.

I whip out my phone and dial Harry's number.

"Hello?" Harry's voice comes from the other line, with laughter and talking going on in the background.

"Oh my god, Harry! Thank you, thank you! I love it!"


A/N: wutcha gunna do with all that junk all that junk inside yo trunk


and megans dress is sorta flowy yano and ends just above the knee bc tight dresses no

ERGH THIS IS A FILLER. SORRY. But hey it's Liam's party next.... or is it ;) lmao

Thanks for reading,

Lisa :)

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