7 For Love

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Madison and I arrived in the drawing room quite late the morning following the ball. We had stayed up until practically dawn catching up on everything that we had missed in one another's lives since we had last seen each other and had slept in to recover. But we were arriving now and to a scene far more jovial than any we had experienced in Emily's previous season.

"Oh, girls!" the Countess exclaimed as we entered, reaching out and squeezing each of our hands in a greeting far warmer than any I had become accustomed to expect from my mother. "It was the most wonderful thing, I cannot believe you missed it!"

My gaze found Emily who sat smiling for the first time upon the loveseat that Madison and I usually occupied.

"What happened, Countess?" Madison inquired and the woman positively beamed at the question.

"It's Emily! Oh, after you left, you'll never guess who asked her to dance."


"The Duke!" She cried. My glance snapped to my sister who was simply smiling proudly from her seat.

"Did he?" I asked.

"He did indeed. And once he'd finished, other gentlemen were practically lining up to have their turn with her as well."

I turned back to my mother at that. That was interesting.

"Congratulations, Emily," Madison said, remembering her manners enough for the both of us. "That's quite thrilling."

"I imagine we will have a whole throng of gentleman callers today. What do you think, Emily?" the Countess beamed, turning back to her eldest daughter and joining her on the loveseat.

I watched the two of them titter away like the oldest of friends as I heard my own heart hammering in my chest. That was odd. I opened my mouth to offer my sister the congratulations that I owed her but somehow my lips would not form the words. Also quite strange.

"Ella," Madison's voice came gently through the fog. I turned my gaze upon my oldest friend who had taken a seat on a settee in the corner and patted a chair nearby for me to join her. Clearing my throat and shaking my head, I did as beckoned.

We hadn't brought our needlework today. I had pricked my own fingers one too many times the day before and thought it best that I didn't bleed all over my work before it was complete. So we were taking a break from the craft, playing a game of cards instead. Madison dealt them onto the small end table between them and I smiled as I plucked up my hand, trying to refocus on what lay before me rather than what lied behind.

We were only halfway through our first game when there came a knock upon the door and my mother eagerly called the footman in. He announced a gentleman caller, one for Emily, and the mother daughter duo greeted him eagerly and sat him down to tea and biscuits while Madison and I returned to our game.

But it wouldn't be the only time we were interrupted. Suitor after suitor called upon the eldest Harrington daughter like they never had before. By the fifth one, I expelled a breath of annoyance as I lost my game at precisely the same time.

"Do you suppose there's a line outside?" I queried with an irritated tone. Madison glanced up as she collected the cards, raising a brow in my direction.

"And what if there is? Are you not pleased for your sister?"

"I am," I rushed on defensively but then dropped my shoulders when I realized that Madison had seen straight through my attempt. "Of course I'm thrilled for Emily. But it's just... it was one dance. One moment of attention from a Duke and they throw themselves at her feet. They were never interested before."

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