41 Just Yours

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The ballroom of the Winterbourne estate was more crowded than I'd ever seen it. Half of our hometown and even more of the city had come for dinner. Emily and Colin were greeting hundreds of people at the door, most of which they didn't even know. Lady Winterbourne eventually made her way to them to assist in introductions but her son was no where to be found. I'd taken on a hostess' duty of my own, much to the pleasure of my mother who watched me approvingly from across the room as I greeted and mingled with people I knew from home, thanking them profusely for coming, assuring them that it meant the world to our family and Colin's.

But I kept an eye on the door until I saw her. Then I practically ran over Lord Redmond to get to her.

"You came," I breathed excitedly when I reached her, holding both of her hands in my own as I pulled her eagerly away from the welcoming committee and off to the side.

"How could I not when you sent an envoy riding for me at full speed?" Madame Francis asked with a raised brow, smiling back at my excitement.

"I just thought you should be here," I told her, turning my head in a pointed glance to where Elijah stood with Benthem and some of the other young men, laughing over their drinks. "For him."

Her jaw dropped as her eyes snapped back to me. But her surprise settled a moment later into a knowing smile as she realized how much I knew. Then she pulled me close and hugged me tight, whispering into my ear, "Thank you."

I watched as she walked away and was pulled into a group a few moments later of young women discussing the latest fashions and wanting her opinion. The group was only a few feet away from my brothers' and I noticed the way they were casting furtive glances at one another over their glasses, smiling whenever they caught each other's eye. I couldn't help but grin happily watching them.

"That's unexpected," a low voice spoke from behind me and I turned to see the Duke hovering over my shoulder, following my gaze to Elijah and Madame Francis. "Though I cannot say that your brother doesn't have exquisite taste."

I swatted him playfully on the chest and he chuckled.

"Would you care to come with me to the balcony for some fresh air?" he asked, offering a hand. "It's far too crowded in here."

I nodded and placed my hand in his. He led me through the ballroom, expertly avoiding anyone who he seemed to think might derail our escape in any way. The breeze upon my face felt incredible as he pushed through the doors at the back of the hall and led us out to a beautiful, candlelit balcony overlooking his estate. I smiled at the romantic aura of it and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath of the fresh air as the breeze blew tendrils of auburn hair around my face. I sighed happily.

"Ella," he spoke and I opened my eyes to find him watching me, smirking the way he had when we'd first met. My heart thudded against my chest just as fervently now as it had then and I took a step forward in a way I hoped was enticing, hoping suddenly that he would kiss me again. But he took a slight step back and I halted my approach, brow furrowing in confusion. "Ella, I have something I want to say to you."

I waited.

"These last few weeks have been the happiest of my life," he said and I smiled. "In fact, ever since I met you, I've felt more emotion than I ever have before. Whether that's always been happiness or not..."

I swatted him playfully again and he laughed.

"Benthem scolded me," he continued. "Your brother punched me. Emily dared me and you, yourself, pushed me away. But nothing, Ella Harrington, nothing in this world could have kept me away from you forever. And now I never want to be away from you again."

With those words, he bent to a knee and I gasped, hands flying to cover my mouth as I stared down at him, wide eyed.

"Will you marry me, Ella?"

Tears were already streaming freely down my cheeks as I shouted my answer so loud that I was sure everyone inside the ballroom could hear it, "Yes!"

He swept me off of my feet, lifting me into the air as he kissed me deeply, keeping his lips on mine as he let me slide, slowly, back to my feet on the balcony below. After a long moment, we separated and he pressed his forehead to mine as I turned to gaze at the ring.

"It's beautiful," I told him.

"Fitting then," he replied and I beamed as I turned back to look in his eyes.

"What do we do now?"

"I suppose we tell them," he answered, nodding in the direction of the party.

"Tomorrow," I replied, slipping the ring from my finger and placing it carefully in the confines of my bodice, doing my best to ignore the way his eyes followed the trajectory of the accessory. "I'd like one more night of being yours. Just yours."

"Ella, my dear, you can have them all."

And then we opened the doors and walked back into that wedding and to the future that awaited us on the other side.


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