Chapter 9: Truth or Dare

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There they were, at Gamo-chan's house. All five of them sat in a circle in the middle of Gamo-chan's room. There was a glass bottle in the middle.

"Now now. There's a twist to this game of truth of dare. Of course you can choose truth or dare, but when the person gives you a truth or a dare, you can decline anwsering by drinking a shot of vodka."

Gamo-chan stated it clearly. It was basicly truth or dare, but with alcohol.

"Oh no... This isn't good... I never talked about this with Senpai, but i don't think he ever drank alcohol. EVER!"

She thought that, she looked at Naoto on the right side sitting quietly. he didn't say a word, but looked terrified.

"Oi Paisen! Have you ever drank alcohol?"

Gamo-chan hit a nerve. As much as she knew Naoto was currently pretty tired, mentaly as well, she knew she had to do this. She had a plan in her head that she knew could work.

"I... haven't..."

The whole room went silent for a few second.

"HUUUH??? No way. There's no way that's true." Gamo-chan was unexpectedly suprised.

"He's 17 and still hasn't drank a single drop of alcohol...
Oh my... This sure will be interesting." she thought.

"Well let's start." She said and took the bottle.

As they played the game, Gamo-chan's plan was to ask Naoto as many akward questions as possible. She wanted him to get drunk of course. It was now Gamo-chan's turn to ask Naoto.

"Truth or dare Paisen."

"Truth of course..." He knew he shouldn't go with a dare. who knows what might happen.

"What do you think of Nagatoro?"

As she said it, the whole room was silent again. Even more, Nagatoro was beet red. On the other hand, Naoto didn't seem to fazed. It was like he wasn't embarrased of the anwser.

Gamo-chan knew he liked Nagatoro, at least that's what she thought.

"Well... She can be annoying and wear me out a lot, she can't be honest with herself, but that's why i like being around her. I always wanted a peaceful life filled with silence, but ever since Nagatoro started hanging out with me, i realised i was wrong."

He said it in a pretty simple way.

Nagatoro looked a little down after that anwser. Like she wanted to hear something else.

"Well since you anwsered i guess we should continue."

It was now Naoto's turn to spin the bottle

He spinned it, and finaly, it lands on Gamo-chan and Nagatoro, but there was one problem. It was Gamo-chan who was giving the dare.

"Toro-chan..." She said with a teasing, yet evil voice.
Nagatoro already saw where this was going.

"Truth or dare...?" Obviously Nagatoro was gonna choose truth, since only God knows what Gamo might say.

"Truth of course." She replied.

"What are your feelings for Paisen?"

The room went empty for a couple of seconds. Except for Nagatoro. She was screaming for the inside. She could hear her own heartbeat.

"I..." She was about to say something, but in the last moment she changed her mind and took a shot of vodka.

"Huh?" Naoto thought.

"Why didn't she anwser? Maybe she feels bad to anwser, or maybe she just still sees me as a teasing tool..." The more Naoto thought about it, the more lost he felt.

Nagatoro looked at him, hoping her dodging the question wouldn't mean too much to her.

They kept playing Truth or Dare, but overtime, both Gamo-chan and Nagatoro got super drunk, so it was only natural for them to go home.

"Well i'll make sure to send you guys a message when she gets home" Naoto said as he was leaving the house.
He was gonna make sure Nagatoro gets home safe, since she probably didn't even know where she was.

It was 3 in the morning, it was completely dark outised, and there was absolutely nobody outside.

"Seriously... how did i get myself in this situation..." He thought to himself as he looked at Nagatoro, completely drunk.

She looked back at him, grinned, and said "S- S- Senpai... Why aaare you soooooo weiird??!" Naoto was unexpectedy suprised at the fact that she was able to stay in her teasing character, despite being so drunk.

"Shut up. You're drunk." He replied.

"Jeez, why am i even arguing with her?? She's drunk as hell..."

Obviously he was a little worried about her. Suddenly, Nagatoro changed her expression. She now looked sad, and a little angry. It was as something was botheting her.

"Y- Ya know Senpai... I r- really don't like that girl y- you keep hanging ouuut with." She said while gripping onto Naoto's arm. She was basicly wrapped around him.

"Well, that much is obvious... You two really hate eachother." He replied.

"S- she keeps youuuu taking away from meee!"

Naoto blushed a little. It sounded like nonsense, since Nagatoro was drunk, but it still triggered a certain feeling in his heart.

"She isn't taking me away Nagatoro." He tried being calm and didn't want to say anything dumb.

They got to the bus station, and sat down to wait for the bus.

There was nobody around, so it was fairly quiet, since Nagatoro was tired at this point.

Naoto was lost in thought, and didn't seem to bother to look at Nagatoro.

Before he knew, she laid down on him. She fell asleep.

"Huh...I guess she couldn't last much longer..."
She feel asleep real fast. Since Naoto didn't have anything to think about, it took him a little to realise something."

"Wait a minute...Nagatoro is super drunk... and her parents are most probably home. That's really bad news. She's supposed to be home in about 10 hours, which I guess is a fairly long time. My parents are not home, so i guess it should be ok if i took her to my house, i don't want her parents seeing her this drunk after all..."

He was completely lost in thought, before he knew it, his body gave in. He started feeling a little sleepy and tired.

"Gosh. I'm glad i didn't end up drinking..."

A couple minutes passed, and the bus arrived. Naoto carried Nagaroro on his back into the bus.

It took him a while but he got to his home.

He unlocked the door and carried Nagatoro up into her room. He put a blanket over her and put a water bottle on the desk beside the bed, in case she needed any. He locked the front door and went in to the living room.
He laid down on the couch. He fell asleep real soon.

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