Chapter 13: An Aftertalk

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"Huh? No... What do you mean...?"

Nagatoro was completely speechless. She was relieved that he was here, but his state is something she wasn't sure if she would like at all.

"It's fine, really, Nagatoro. This has happened before. I'm sorry if he worried you or anything. The thing is, he was found uncouncious in the middle of the road when he was going to school yesterday, and he was also beaten up. He had very severe injuries, and I've also noticed he had cuts on his arm, they were recent."

Naoto's mom anwsered. She didn't seem too nervous, she was probably the type of person to try to being calm in any kind of situation.

"I- It's not fine! He's in a literal coma! I got scared for life that something happened to him or that he was ignoring me." Nagatoro anwsered.

"Well, if you want, you can visit him at the hospital, I'll send you the adress."

"I would appreciate that." Nagatoro anwsered.

Naoto's mom sent her the adress 10 minutes after that.

Nagatoro immedietly went out to see him. She took a 15 minute bus ride and then a 5 minute walk to get there, it wasn't really that long.

She entered the hospital and walmed towards the receptionist.

"Good evening, I'm here to see my friend from school, Hachioji Naoto." She nervously said.

"He's on the second floor, room 408. Also, I'm not sure if it's the right time for you to be visiting, he isn't awak-"

"It's fine, really." Nagatoro cut them off before they could end the sentence.

"I just really... want to see him right now." She smiled, but it was a fake smile. She was really nervous too see him, in fact, she hasn't seen him in 2 days, even that is too much for her.

She took the elevator to the second floor, and then walked to room 408. She stood in front of it.

It was completely silent inside.

She slowly opened the door, and there he was, lying down on the hospital bed.

"He's all beat up..." Nagatoro thought.


"It's been a while at this point, and I've noticed a lot of things. I'm not dead, and I can also hear the things around me, so apparently I'm in a coma. It feels strange. I can feel and hear everything around me, and yet, I can't do anything." Naoto thought to himself.

"Huh...? Someone opened the door." He didn't know it at that time, but it was Nagatoro who entered the room.

She sat down on the chair next to his bed.

"They sat on the chair...?" He questioned himself.

Nagatoro sat down and looked at his wounds.

"You cut yourself again idiot..." She silently said.
Naoto realised it was Nagatoro.

"Ah crap... now she knows I cut myself again... except I really overdid it this time..." He thought.

There was a silence. Naoto wished he could have done something about it, but he was literaly paralyzed.

Suddenly, he could feel Nagatoro put her hand on his.

"I know you can't hear me right now..." little did she know, he could... "...and I know things can't continue like this, but I really missed you, and I hope you wake up soon... when do, I won't stop being around you until you say so... I'll never leave you... so don't scare me like this again, please..."

Naoto didn't expect Nagatoro to react like this at all, in fact, it was the last thing he expected from her. She cared about him... that much? He just couldn't decide.

"I'll be coming here everyday, I won't stop coming here until you wake up. I don't care how long it takes!" She said.

That sparked a realization in Naoto. He understood he had a chance now. He realised he liked Nagatoro romantically, he just had to use his chance, except, he couldn't at the moment, since he was in a coma.

"I love you..." The words left Nagatoro's mouth.

Naoto didn't know what to think at that point. He wanted to wake up.


Nagatoro kept coming to see Naoto every single day, for a week.

It was her seventh day coming to see him. She entered the hospital building as usual and walked towards his room without any hurry. It's pretty much become a routine of hers to visit him, which she was glad about.

She made it to the room, and slowly opened the door. She looked inside. There were two people. Naoto, who was still asleep, and Kena.

"I already don't like this situation." Nagatoro thought when she saw her.

"Good evening Nagatoro." Kena said in a rather monotone voice.

"H- Hi..." Nagatoro anwsered very quietly.

"How come you have visited him?" Kena asked in a little agressive tone.

"I visit him every day... is that a problem...? Am I not allowed to?" Nagatoro striked back with more questions.

"It's fine. It's not like you're doing anything wrong." Kena said. She was obviously trying to keep it calm.

"Well, I'll go then." She said, and then left the room slowly.

Nagatoro was left with Naoto in the room. She sat down beside him and put her hand on his hand. She got into a trance of thoughts. Before she knew it, she was asleep.


"Huh...? I can feel my arm being held..." Naoto thought. he suddenly became concious. He tried moving his hand, and managed to grip Nagatoro's hand a little stronger.

"W- wait... I can move! Just barely tho..."He thought.

He tried opening his eyes, and slowly, but surely, he managed to open them. The outdoor light literaly blinded him, since he hasn't seen daylight in a week.

"Ugh... Where am I?" He thought. He couldn't really move, but he looked around. He realised he was in a hospital room.

"Damn... I don't even know how long I've been here." He thought. He tried looking at the calendar at the other side of the room, but he didn't have his glasses.

Finaly, he managed to get up, without waking Nagatoro up. She kept sleeping.

"It's been 8 days!!?? What the hell..." He was suprised. It felt like time flew by for him. He expected himself to wake up after about 48 hours or so, since he did the last time.

After that he got up and went to find somebody working there. He couldn't wake Nagatoro up, or maybe he didn't want to.

He got all of his things packed and went straight home.

He didn't have his phone with him, since his parents left it at home for him, so he couldn't tell Nagatoro he woke up.

In the meantime, Nagatoro woke up.

She immedietly noticed Naoto wasn't in the bed. She went into panic mode.

By the time she woke up, Naoto was already home, but she didn't know that.

She tried calling him.

It kept ringing, and it seemed like he wouldn't anwser, but then at the end...

"H- hello...?" He said in a very quiet and tired voice.

"Naoto? Where were you!? I woke up and you weren't there... I got worried that something might have happaned again..." She said.

"Ooh, I'm sorry... I just didn't want to wake you up... I woke up and went home... My parents aren't home again... so I had to take public transport. It was probably the most tiring thing I've done in ages. My body compl-"

"I'm heading over to your house." She cut him off, and hung off.

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