1 - A Friend In Need

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Warning, this story does contain boyxboy themes and scenes so if that kind of thing is not for you, I would suggest finding another story. To the rest of you, I hope you love it.


And just a quick shout out to MissCriss who is a great writer and was the one who inspired me to write this. :)

And a shout out to my good friend Amazona333 who I love and who encouraged me to keep writing when down in a slump. <3

Pic to the right is Sam :)


|  PART 1  |              


1 - A Friend In Need                                                                                                       


I knew as soon as we locked eyes in the hallway. My wolf started whining at me, trying to claw his way out. 'Mate' he kept repeating. 'No' I thought. This can't be happening! My 'mate' started walking towards me, but looking down, not avoiding me intentionally of course. You see ... he wasn't a wolf. He didn't feel the strong pull to me like I did to him. However, it would be there for him, just about 10 times weaker. I saw his sky blue eyes flicker up to my face then look away again, while he increased his pace.

Right, being the captain of the school football team doesn't exactly cause the better part of the school population to flock to you. Except the other athletics, the cheerleaders, and the school sluts of course.

This was especially true if you were gay. It was the way things worked in high school. Not that I was ever complaining, it just explained why Justin, that was his name, wouldn't look me in the eye.

Justin was the only out gay guy in our school. He didn't have the stereotypical gay vibe, in fact, had you not known it, you couldn't have guessed he liked guys. He had blond hair that he kept cut short, tanned skin, and a soccer player's build, muscular but agile.

I on the other hand, was a foot ball player and looked the part. Broad shoulders, and muscular build, with not an ounce of stray fat to be found. I had wavy, light brown hair and vibrant green eyes. Oh, and I was most definitely not gay. I have had no attraction to other guys what so ever ... until now.

My wolf was whining as my 'mate' passed me. I made the mistake of inhaling deeply through my nose and got a big wiff of his scent, causing me to struggle to withhold a growl from my wolf.

'Woah' I thought 'I need to avoid him or there's going to be trouble'.

"Hey, Sam!" It was my co-captain, and also my closest friend, Ethan. "How're you doing man?"

"Fine." I responded, looking at him. He was trailing his girlfriend, Tracy, behind him as he walked up to me.

Ethan was built the same way that I was, with jet black hair and storm coloured grey eyes.

"Hey Ethan? You want to hang after school today? My place?" I needed to talk about this and Ethan was the only person I trusted.

"Sure dude. You want to meet at your car after school?"

"Sounds like a plan!" I said waving at the two and heading to class. "See you then"


As usual math class was a bore, and in a boring class, my thoughts tended to stray. I fought hard to keep myself from thinking about Justin, but in the end my mind would just keep going back to him. Man, do I need to talk to Ethan. He always knows what to do in these situations. Not only that, he's not at all judgemental, and he keeps other peoples' (meaning my) confidences to himself. Oh, and he was also a wolf, so honestly, I could discuss anything with him.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't hear the bell.

"Mr. Thomas, is everything alright?" My math teacher, Mrs. Cole, asks. She has always had a soft spot for me and I have never known why.

"Huh? Oh, sorry Mrs. Cole. I was just thinking."

"That's alright dear. The bell has gone."

I looked around, noticing that everyone else had cleared out.

I gathered my things, said goodbye, and went to meet Ethan.

I found him leaning against my car, evidently looking at homework assigned in his last class, computer sciences.

"Damn dude, this is a huge load of work. I've got to finish this really long programming assignment in 2 weeks! Look!" He thrusts the papers at me. I normaly manage to break computers when I go near them so I can't make heads or tails of this assignment, but it does look complicated.

"Wow, that's a lot of weird ... thingys!" was my very intelligent response.

Ethan raised an eyebrow at me, "Thingys?"

I stuck my tongue out at him. I know, I know, very mature and manly for the football captain ... not. Whatever!

Ethan chuckled as we got in and began driving to my place.

When we got there, we went to the kitchen and sat down.

"So, what's eating you Sam?" Ethan looked concerned.

"I found my mate." I mumbled.

"But ... That's a good thing!" Ethan was looking at me expectantly.

I looked down at my hands, twisting them in my lap.

"It would be -, except for one small problem." I said, still not meeting my friend's eyes.

He just stayed silent, waiting for me to continue. I hesitated, chewing on my lower lip.

"My mate is - a guy." I barely whispered the last part but, being a werewolf as well, Ethan's hearing was just as good as mine.

I put my head in my hands, "What do I do man?"

"I think you need a good run," Ethan said, hauling me to my feet and bringing me outside.

We shifted, leaving our clothes by a tree and ran off into the forest.

I loved running in my wolf form. The feeling of the wind rushing through my sandy coloured hair, the furious pounding of my heart, the smell of pine and earth. It all made you feel what it truly is to be alive.

After running for what felt like miles, Ethan and I stopped at a little stream. We grabbed a drink and sat down in a small clearing, resting our heads on our paws in a similar fashion.

'Feeling a little better?' my friend asked over the mind link, 'I know that running has always calmed you down.'

I gave him a wolfish smile. How could I not, he knew me so well.

Ever since we were pups, I have gone for a run to calm down. I guess some things never change.

'Sam,' Ethan was looking at me, his brown, wolf eyes seeming to look straight through me to my soul.

'If you ever think that I could dislike you, or push you away, for any reason, you are sorely mistaken. I'm here for you man, I always will be. Even if your mate is another boy. Who cares?! Should that change the way I have always looked at you? I can tell you right now that it never will, nothing will.'

I cocked my head at him for a minute. I then tackled him, sending us sprawling across the clearing, as I muzzled him affectionately. When we came to a rest I started licking him all over.

'Ok ok! I get it! Yeah, I love you too!' Ethan laughed and I got up. He rolled over and got to his feet.

'Thank you. Thank you for being there for me and not leaving my side,' I looked at him, my blue eyes full of sincerity.

He looked right back at me, not a trace of doubt or regret in his face, 'Always.'

We ran back towards my place in silence.


So what do y'all think so far? Leave a comment telling me your opinion. :)

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