2 - A Moonlit Run

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Thanks to Amazona333 who helped me write this chap! :)  

I hope you guys enjoy

Pic to the right is Justin :)


2 - A Moonlit Run


When we got back, we dressed quickly and made for the back door. But once we got closer, I noticed a note taped to it.

Sam, urgent meeting at the pack house. Come as soon as you see this. I'm assuming you have Ethan with you, bring him too. 


Ethan and I finished reading it at the same time. We looked at each other, eyes wide and uncertain. We didn't know what was up, but we knew it couldn't be good, so we hauled ass over to the pack house, going as fast as we could.


When we arrived at the pack house the meeting was in full swing. My dad motioned for us to come in and take our places at the front of the group, facing everyone. Then he went back to addressing the room at large.

"As you all know, rogue wolves are very dangerous, and should never, under no circumstances, be approached."

So this was the reason for the meeting. A rogue problem. I looked over at my dad's beta, Mark, Ethan's dad. He gave me a look that said that the situation didn't look good. It sent chills down my spine.

A rogue wolf is a wolf who had lost their mate in a traumatic way, and in their sadness and grief, they let their wolf take over their body. Once you become rogue, there's no turning back.

And this was the worst time for a major rogue problem, seeing as I'm due to take over the alpha position from my dad in a year's time.

I went to sleep with troubled thoughts that night. Justin was currently forgotten, I had bigger problems on my hands it seemed.



I was sitting in science class, bored as hell when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I looked at the teacher to make sure that the coast was clear to check the text. Ms. Vernon was sitting at her desk with her head down, marking papers. I pulled out my phone and pressed the lock button, keeping it hidden under the desk. The display lit up, showing 1 unread text from my best friend, Kim.

"Hey my boo!! Do you want to come and jam at my place after school?"

I smiled at her antics. Kim was just a bright ball of sunshine all the time.

"Sure, sounds like a plan!" I texted back.

The bell rang just then and I gathered up my things, heading for the door. I took one step into the hall and walked smack into someone, sending both of us sprawling.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," I mumbled, looking at the floor as I gathered up books and papers.

"Don't worry about it, accidents happen," he said, kneeling down beside me to pick up papers.

I looked up at his voice and found in front of me, the face of the sexiest boy alive.

His dirty blonde hair was falling carelessly into his flawless face and green eyes, and looked purposely messy. He was wearing a tight t-shirt that showed off his yummy abs and washboard stomach. An obvious "V" ran down his body, converging on the middle of his waist and disappearing into his silk athletic shorts.

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